thirty seven

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a/n: i am so excited for the corse of events that are about to take place in these next chapters. this book is far from over. muahaha. enjoy 😏

ps, short chapter because it's hard to write in zack's prospective :(


zack sat outside with a joint between his lips , leaning back in the lawn chair. it was night time and the house they were located at was in a pretty secluded area. it's where zack used to do some business with some partnered drug dealers, before he moved over to his side of the town to continue it over there. he hadn't been really handling drug deals much, since he was dealing with harry and all, he kinda put someone else in his place until he was fully ready to come back. but there was something he was doing outside of keeping them hostage.

but that wasn't important at the moment, what was important was he was planning something big. something he hadn't thought of before, but it came to him. he had never thought of doing something like this, but it was brilliant. the need to control, to have power, to have complete dominance over harry was strong. he felt his love for harry bursting at seams. it wasn't a normal type of love, it was a love that no one would ever understand.

a love that couldn't be explained, but a love that grew stronger and stronger, and became dangerous. but it was there, he didn't care what anybody had to say. zack loved harry since the day they met, and that adoration turned very dark as the years went by. an overwhelming need to have harry, keep him near, and be with him, flowed through his veins. it was poisonous. he doesn't know when it grow into the point of insanity.

zack acknowledges that's he's crazy, but he can't stop it. he can't escape from himself, the conflicting thoughts in his head. it was like a storm was constantly raging on and the outcome of it was inevitable. he's been fighting these thoughts for a long time, and somewhere along the way he gave up. he let them control him, he followed through with any and every impulsive thought.

he was sick of everyone saying if you love someone you don't hurt them, but they didn't understand him. they don't understand what goes on in his mind, what he's up against, and why he does the things he does. everyone is so narrow minded in today's age, which is why they are poorly educated and speak on something they know nothing about. they don't know the battles he fights everyday. it wasn't just some puppy love, cliché bullshit people got their minds stuck on. it was a different type of love. not the love a mother feels for her child, or a person to their pet, or even a fan to their idol. it was a twisted love that was spiraling out of control and he couldn't control it, he couldn't stop it.

he couldn't help it.

zack runs his hand trough his newly dyed hair. he had dyed it back to its platinum blonde color because he hated looking exactly like zayn. he obviously only did that for certain reasons, but that didn't mean he liked it. this looked more like him, zack. not zayn. he didn't want harry to love him because he looked like zayn, he wanted harry to love zack. him, him, him.

zack continued to run his fingers through his hair with his free hand, becoming flustered. he growls, clenching his teeth tugging harshly at his hair. so hard he thought he might rip a patch of it straight out of his scalp. but he loosens his grip, releasing his hair. then starts to violently hit himself in the head about five times before he stops. he sinks down in the chair, feeling slightly disoriented. he weakly takes another drag off the joint, closing his eyes, his head lulling lazily as he releases the smoke letting it surround him.

 he weakly takes another drag off the joint, closing his eyes, his head lulling lazily as he releases the smoke letting it surround him

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for the rest of the night, he sits there silently until sunrise.

he doesn't sleep.


in the morning, he brings food for harry and zayn. he does not say a word during the time he's in the room and he doesn't plan on talking. although he does find himself mindlessly caressing harry's hair while he fed him. his face staying void of emotion. he could see the confusion in harry's face and the annoyance in zayn's, but he doesn't resort in making any snarky remarks. he's in his thoughts, and when zack's in his thoughts, words don't come easily.

after he gives harry food, and tries to give zayn some. he gives them water. he gathers up everything and places them onto edge of the bed, walking back over to harry. harry pulls his knees up, curling slightly into himself cautious of zack. the oversized shirt zack had him change into slides up, exposing more of his bare thighs. he quickly pulls it back down. zack kneels down, ignoring the slip as his eyes scans harry's face. he watches how harry bites his lip and looks at him with nervousness. his body is tense as he eyes zack waiting for his next move, which he hoped wasn't gonna end him up with bruises.

but zack's mind wasn't set on that. he wanted just one thing. zack hooks his fingers around harry's jaw and leans in. harry turns away, making zack kiss his cheek instead. zack can practically hear harry's heart pounding erratically in his chest. zack pulls harry back, giving him a look. he can hear zayn saying something in protest, but he ignores like he always does. harry lets out an unsteady breath, silence seemed to engulf him as zack was only inches away from him and he could feel his breath touching his lips. he didn't want to do it, he didn't want to give in. he couldn't kiss zack, not again. one was enough. but when zack tilts his head slightly to the side and he slants forward just like last time. the kiss lingers, before harry pulls away and turns his head in embarrassment with flushed cheeks. but surprisingly not from the kiss.

zack pulls back, slowly tugs his hand away

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zack pulls back, slowly tugs his hand away. he closes his eyes briefly. walking over to grab the trash off the bed from the food and exits the room.

zayn blinks, "what the fuck?"


hmm 🤔

i've discovered that i am in fact a sadist

love y'all tell me what you're thinking xx

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