twenty three

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after everyone had their own little sob session with harry, he and zayn were back on each other, attached like super glue. everyone was gathered in calum's living room, settling down and trying to come to terms everything. calum and luke were telling them what happened and how they had found harry and saved him. every time someone asked harry certain things, he stayed right lipped and buried his face in zayn's neck. he wouldn't speak about what went down in the time he was there, so they decided not to ask anymore and drop their questions.

zayn was extremely worried about harry. after getting reunited and getting all their cries out, harry was quiet. he only nod or shook his head when spoken to. other then that, he stayed glued to zayn's hip with his face hidden as if someone were gonna snatch him away. zayn knew something was up, and yeah of course he was hurt and distressed from the kidnapping, but he felt like there was more. he just didn't know what. certain possibilities pop in his head but he didn't want to even dream about anything of that stuff happening to harry. ever.

but since obviously harry didn't want to talk about it, zayn let it go for now, until he was ready to talk. he sat there with harry on his lap, stroking his hand through harry's hair is and listening to his steady breathing. the guys were talking, but zayn couldn't make out what they were saying as he was zoned out, and hypnotized by harry's body being against his. he was savoring every moment of it, listening to his breathing and his heart beat. it calmed him. it was like holding a big bundle of love in his arms, he wasn't planning on letting go.

"zayn!" zayn heard someone call his name. he snapped his head up out of his trance and looked at liam who was raising his eyebrow.


"i said, we're calling the police right? to let them know we found harry?" liam asked, looking at zayn. zayn nodded. he moved his hand from harry's hair to run his hand up and down harry's back as the boy sat quietly in his lap, playing with zayn's fingers on his free hand.

"yeah- yeah we are." he replies after a few seconds.

"well we need to do it now. the longer we wait it becomes more dangerous." liam says. zayn nods, then looks down at harry. even though he knew liam was completely right, he wanted to make sure harry was okay with it. because once they got here they were gonna bombard him with questions. harry barely answered theirs, so having detectives all in his face throwing questions back to back at him, he knew harry wouldn't like it.

"you ready baby?" he asked softly, eyeing the boy. harry looks up at him, his eyes were slightly red and dull due to the contacts that stayed in his eyes too long and became painful and irritated. he bit his lip and hesitantly started to nod his head. did harry want to call the police to get more help? yes. did he want to answer questions? no. but it had to be done, and he just wanted to get this over with. he wanted it all to be over. he wanted to go back home and leave this all behind. zayn nods at him and leans forward to kiss his forehead. "alright, i'll call them." zayn begins to lift harry off his lap so that he could get up, but harry latches onto his neck.

"don't leave me." harry whimpers. zayn freezes and halts his actions, looking at harry.

"babe, i'm just gonna be-"

"no." he demands like a small child, and pulled zayn back against him, wrapping his arms around zayn's torso and nuzzling his face against his chest. zayn smiled weakly and petted his hair. he decided to just stay where he was and asked liam to grab his phone and hand it to him. liam complied and gave zayn his phone. zayn took a breath and dialed one of the detectives he had saved in his phone- the same one that he yelled at days ago for being shitty. he picked up on the third ring and from there zayn started to explain everything and told him that they found harry and that he was safe. he was questioned as well before he was told to stay put, not to leave the premises and that he was gonna connect a call with the police where they are located to be sent.

zayn hung up the phone after a while and everyone was staring at him. he rolled his eyes, "they'll be here in a bit. just sit tight and nobody goes anywhere." he says. everyone nods and zayn goes back to stroking harry's hair.


the police arrived finally after almost twenty minutes. upon entering, harry became super nervous. he tried to make himself as small as he could so that the police's attention weren't drawn to him and he let everyone else do the talking while he sat back and chewed nervously on his lip. he already knew he'd have to speak some time and answer questions he didn't want to and he wasn't ready, he didn't want to. he didn't want them or anybody else to know what had happened, what zack had made him do and what he did to harry. no one could know.

but he knew he had to. it was for his benefit. he had to give the police his statement, so he could get justice. he just wished justice didn't seem like such a hard task. harry clutched the back of zayn's shirt as two of the cops looked at him. he swallows thickly and as they start walking over to him, he subtly tries to use zayn's body as a shield and hide. his palms started to sweat and he suddenly felt nauseous. god. why was this so nerve wrecking? all he had to do was explain to them what happened, why was it so hard? why did it seem like so much? he wanted to get this over with, but he just couldn't. the two officers stood in front of them, one had a notepad in his hand while the other stood back, eyeing both harry and zayn.

"we are ready to take your statement, harry?" the first officer speaks, looking between harry and zayn to figure out which one harry is. zayn clears his throat at and nods. he grabs harry's hand and gently pulls harry forward.

"this is harry sir. but, does he have to give his statement now? i really don't think he's ready." zayn says, softly massaging harry's palm with his fingers. the officer nods, fixing his pants as his equipment start to weight them down.

"well not exactly, but the quicker it gets done the quicker this is over. the court needs to know what happened, this way they can be able to decide what type of punishment the suspect receives." he explains. zayn sighs and nods. zayn turns to harry and harry's already looking at him.

"it's okay zee, i can do it." he says. zayn strokes his cheek.

"you sure?" he asks. harry nods and squeezes zayn's hand in reassurance.

"yes, as long as you stay with me please?" harry pleads, even though he doesn't have to because zayn would run to the ends of the world for this boy, harry never needs to plead him for anything. 

"of course baby."

zayn and harry follow the officers out of the room where it's more private and take a seat around the table in the kitchen. harry swallows thickly and holds onto zayn's hand tighter. since zayn was gonna be in here listening, he would know everything that happened. yeah harry wanted to tell zayn everything, he was just nervous and terrified. he didn't want to have to relive those events, let alone speak about it, but he had to. if he ever wanted any justice he had to tell somebody this time. otherwise time would repeat itself. so with those thoughts in mind, harry take a breath and reverted his attention to the officers across from him.

"okay so first of all, tell us your full name."

"harry styles."


sorry for the cliff hanger but i'm tired. i'll update again later if i don't get lazy. next chapter will be better.

thanks for reading and support i love you guys always xx

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