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zayn's eyes fluttered slightly as he started to wake up. his body felt a weak, and tired as he grunted trying to figure out why he felt so stiff. but as he open his eyes a little more he realizes he's lying on the floor in his dorm. confused, he brings hands arms up, weakly pushing himself to sit up. he's confused and light headed and doesn't remember how he ended up on the floor.

maybe he was just so tired he just passed out on the floor or maybe he fell on the bed but was sleeping so hard he didn't even feel it. either way, whatever happened made him missed his morning classes. once he gets the energy to, zayn lifts himself off the floor and onto his bed, rubbing his temple and letting out another groan. he looks around the room, seeing everything on his side was in place and his roommate's side of the room messy as usual. so nothing looked out of place.

as reality finally came back to him, he quickly fumbles around for him phone and finding it lying on the floor slightly under the bed. he picks it up and quickly tests harry to see if he was okay as he realizes he hadn't been there to walk him to or from his classes. he knew niall, louis and liam helped as well, but he just wanted to make sure he made it to his classes safely today since he wasn't there.

but something occurred that made zayn's heart drop and shatter at the bottom of his stomach. his message didn't go through.

harry blocked him.

'what the fuck?' zayn thinks. i throws his phone on the bed and put on his shoes in a hurry, and rushes out of his room. he knew something wasn't right. he had woken up on the floor of his dorm not remembering how he'd gotten there, and now harry's blocked him for some odd reason. that's not something harry would do, there's no way he'd do that, not after everything that's happened. why would he block zayn, his loving caring boyfriend of four going on five years? especially with the zack situation going on...


it had to be zack that did this. but in order to do that he would have to- be.. near harry to get access to his phone. oh no. zayn thought. harry. harry was with zack. harry was in danger. zack had gotten to him and zayn wasn't there to protect him like he promised he would. zayn's mind was racing and he made his legs move faster as he made his way to harry's form praying that he'd find him there.

and once he'd made it there, he burst through his door and he sighed in relief when he saw harry in his room on his bed. the room was clean, and nothing looked out of place and didn't look like anyone was hurt or like someone had put up a fight. so what exactly happened? zack didn't do anything? not that zayn minded, he was glad harry was okay. he just wanted to know what was zack doing and why would he- how did he get harry's phone?

"baby-" he walked over to the bed where harry lay, sitting down. harry quickly turns around to face him and zayn's heart drops.

what. the. fuck.

harry's eyes were red.. not the kind of red you see when someone's been crying but the red that lets you know someone is high as fuck.

"h-harry-" he started but harry cut him off.

"zaynie!" harry cheered happily wrapping his arms around zayn waist and nuzzling his face in his stomach. "you're back!"

and a lump forms in zayn's throat at those words. zayn was never here... what does he mean 'you're back'?

"baby- what happened to you? what the hell did you take?" zayn asked, pulling harry back and cupping his cheeks making harry look at him. harry giggles fluttering his eyelashes.

"y-you gave it to me silly you should knowww."

"harry, tell me what you took." zayn said, but this time his voice stern. harry rolled his eyes playfully and pulled away from zayn just to roll around on his bed like a child and smiling widely.

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