thirty two

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harry shoots up from the bed. his chest is heaving, and he can feel sweat dripping all over his heated body. the room was dark around him and his vision was still slightly blurry. all he can remember is hearing a loud gun go off and piercing his skin right through his shoulder. the unbearable pain blasting through his body as he fell to the ground. but he can't remember anything afterwards. was that real? did zack really come back?

harry's hand shot up to feel around on his chest and shoulders. nothing. he didn't feel any blood, no bandages and no pain. it was a dream? that was a dream? it felt so real. harry could have sworn he was there. he heard every sound, felt every touch, felt the pain. how was it all just in his head? it was such a vivid dream. everything just felt real. his heart was still pounding like drum, and he felt numb all over. he had always awaken feeling the affects from his nightmares. but this one left him dazed and numb, with a dull pain. maybe he had hurt himself in his sleep.

looking around, harry's eyes widened when he realizes zayn isn't in bed. maybe his dream was a premonition? oh god no, harry thought. please no. harry didn't know how he'd react if he actually had to come face to face with zack again. he didn't ever want to see him again. and while zayn did look exactly like him, he tried not to think about it. despite them being twins, harry never let what zack did to him affect he and zayn's relationship. zayn wasn't like zack, though they had the same face. they had different ideas, different outlooks on life and different mind sets.

harry just didn't want to see zack's face. he didn't want to have to look into those dark evil eyes, or see that sinister smile. he was sick, in more ways than one. and he made harry sick to his stomach. he was worse than any evil twin that any movie could have. he was the definition of evil. he was sly, he liked to have control, and he loved to hurt. he was crazy, and he was out for harry. he needed to be put to a stop. but who could stop the unstoppable?

harry looks over at the door, his heart pounding in his chest. the door was cracked slightly, a little light from the hall way showing through. harry was too terrified from his nightmare to move. he visibly started to shake in fear when he hears foot steps approaching the door. his eyes widened in fear as he watches the door carefully. the foot steps got closer and closer. harry couldn't take it. he snatched the covers, pulling them over his head, covering his mouth as he let out soft sobs.

listening, harry could hear the door opening and someone entering. there was a tap heard next to him and suddenly a weight next to him on the bed. he whimpers, curling up slightly into himself.

"harry?" he hears zayn ask, concern laced in his voice. but was it really zayn? harry was too scared to know. but then there was a gentle hand on his side and he hears the voice again. "baby what's wrong?" zayn speaks again. zayn's voice. zayn's soft honey like voice with a strong bradford accent. not deep and rough like zack's. he's learned to always pay close attention to the differences in their voices so he was never fooled again like he had been before. and by the sound of it, this was zayn. harry lets out a shaky breath and rips the blankets off of him, flying into zayn's chest, letting out sobs.

zayn's arms immediately go around harry, holding him close.m as he rubs the younger male's back gently. "baby." he breathed. harry continues to let out soft sobs into his chest. "did you have another nightmare, h?" zayn asked, rocking harry slightly. harry nods, too upset to speak at the moment. zayn starts to hum a random tune, knowing how it calms harry whenever he has a nightmare, as he gently rocks him back and forth with the pace of the song. soon, harry has calmed down, sniffling lightly, although he keeps his arms tightly wrapped around zayn. zayn leans in to kiss his forehead. "want to talk about it?" zayn asks.

harry is silent was a moment, and although harry never likes talking about his nightmares, he really did today. it was so fucking real harry can't stop thinking about it. he needed it out of his system. so he starts to explain to zayn what happened and zayn listens as harry rambles on and on, his voice shaky. "i-it felt so real.." harry whispers.

"but it wasn't baby, no ones here, we're safe." zayn reassures him. harry sniffles wiping his eyes.

"z-zee i thought i-i was gonna die... i thought i- i wasn't ever gonna see you again." he says, tears pooling in his eyes. he felt so pathetic for crying over a dream.m, but he couldn't help it. his emotions were all over the place and he couldn't stop himself. zayn pulls his closer, shushing him.

"no no baby, you're right here, you're okay. we're okay, h." zayn whispers, running his hand through harry's hair, before pulling him into a firm hug. harry nods, sniffling and closing his eyes, melting in zayn's warmth. it felt so nice to be in his arms. he wishes he could stay this way.


"yeah love?"

"c-can we go out? f-for real this time? i can't be in here right now, please?" harry asks. zayn pulls away and smiles down at harry weakly.

"if that's what you want, then of course babe." zayn says, and stands up holding his hands out for harry to take. he gently pulls him out of bed and kisses his cheek lightly. "want to take a shower first?" harry nods.

"take one with me please? i don't wanna be alone." harry asks. zayn nods.

"you don't need to ask me babe, i'm here for you."

harry pulls a weak smile. how does someone like him deserve someone like zayn?


okay this chapter was supposed to be a lot longer but i got lazy, so i'm splitting it in half and i'll update the next half soon, i'm sorry 😭

also, got ya 😂 it was just a dream bitches.  usually i write dreams in italics but i didn't wanna give it away. plus harry had a realistic experience with the dream so i wanted you guys to as well xD

love you all xx

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