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harry was a bit uneasy this passed week. after he was told what had happened between zayn and zack, he was definitely scared. he didn't know what to expect from now on. he knew zack and zack was not gonna just walk away from this all. zack never likes to lose. he always likes being the superior one, always likes to come out on top. he was definitely not gonna let zayn think he's won this fight. and that's what harry is afraid of. he doesn't want zayn to get hurt in any way by the hands of zack. he would feel terrible if anything happened to him, all because of him. this was one reason why he's kept his mouth shut for so long.

he doesn't want anyone hurt over him. this shouldn't be their problem, they shouldn't get involved. if anyone of them got hurt because of him, he'd never forgive himself. that's the last thing he ever wanted. and being the person he is, he puts others before himself. and he'd take all the punches in the world for them, if only it meant they stayed unscathed. that's just the person he was. selfless. which sometimes just wasn't the best for someone. he could put himself in even more danger.

since zayn and their friends found out, they had been watching over harry like a hawk. there was always someone with harry, whether it was walking him to class, being in the dorm, or wondering around about the campus. they never left him alone. since zayn and had some of their morning classes together, zayn stayed attached to harry's hip, like his own personal body guard. while niall watched over harry whenever they were in the dorms, and louis watched harry's back during the afternoon classes, while liam walked with harry around the campus during the break. they basically had a whole system going.

and of course harry appreciated it. he felt so much more safe and less paranoid whenever one of them were around. some people would probably get mad, and argue about space. but when you have someone who's out to hurt you, and has been hurting for a long time, personal space is the least of your problems.

harry was currently with zayn since it was sunday, and nobody had class today, so they were just spending some time together. they had been glued together these passed days, and whenever either of them were in class, they were with one another. so you could definitely see that their bond was growing stronger again, now that harry didn't have a dark secret holding him back anymore. and even though that secret was out, didn't make it any less problematic.

"haz, you okay babe?" zayn asked. that was the main question he always asked him everyday. he needed to make sure that he was doing alright.

"yes, i'm okay zee." harry answers, playing with the ends of zayn's shirt as they sat in a booth at a cafe where only a few people were at the time.

"sure?" he asks again. harry nods, looking up at zayn.

"i'm sure." he reassures zayn. although he was a bit bothered by something. that something being zack.

"okay baby, please tell me if something is bothering you okay? i want to know, so i can be able to help you okay?" zayn says. harry nods and zayn leans down and kisses him briefly, before pulling back and brushing a hand through his hair. harry sighs softly, and bites his lip. he didn't want to keep anything from zayn anymore, and he wanted to be able to share any and everything with him if he needed to. and that's what he was gonna do from now on, especially if that's what zayn wanted him to do.

"zee.. there is something that's bothering me just a little." harry admitted. he pulls his head off of zayn's chest and looks up at him. zayn grabs his hand squeezing it slightly.

"what is it baby?"

"i know this is probably annoying because you've already told me many times that i don't need to be afraid, but i can't help but to be," harry starts, he chews on his lip for a second before finishing with, "be afraid of what zack will do next. i just know he's angry at me than he ever was before for opening my mouth, and i know this is not the end of it yet and i'm scared of what outcome will be."

"baby." zayn pulls harry onto his lap, and pauses as the waiter comes over with their order and thanks her before turning his attention back to harry, rubbing his hips gently. "baby you're not annoying me at all. you can tell me when you're feeling scared or sad or anything else, and you know i'll always listen, be there to hold you and make you feel better." zayn says. harry nods, leaning in and placing his forehead against zayn's, wrapping his arms around his neck.

"okay." harry mumbles softly. zayn kisses his nose.

"and i know you're still worried about zack and i understand that, but as long as i'm alive i will do whatever it takes to protect you from him." zayn says and frowns when he feels harry tense up.

"zee please don't say that." harry pleads pulling away to look him in the eyes. he can read the fear and worry hidden in harry's eyes.

"say what?"

"as long as you're alive. you make it seem like you're going to die and that's the last thing i want to think about happening to you.." harry trails off biting his lip anxiously. zayn wants to punch himself in the fave for making harry's anxiety rise because of that statement he made. he tightens his arms around harry's waist.

"baby, i'm sorry, i didn't mean it like that. it was just a figure of speech. don't worry yourself over it." zayn says. harry let's out a shaky sigh.

"it's okay, i- i'm just being dramatic."

"you're not being dramatic love, i should've worded that differently, i didn't mean to worry you." zayn leans in kissing harry. harry nods, kissing him back, playing with little strands of zayn's hair. he really didn't want to think of zayn dying or anything happening to him or anyone else. harry knows that zayn will do whatever it takes to protect him, but harry would also do the same for zayn. if there came a time, harry would take the bullet for zayn. though he hopes it doesn't come down to that. "haz?"

"hm?" harry is brought from his thoughts.

"you spaced out there." zayn says.

"sorry zee." harry apologizes. zayn shakes his head and rubs harry's side.

"it's okay baby. how about we finish up here then go to the arcade and have some fun to get our minds off of this? how's that sound?" zayn asks. harry nods in agreement.

"that sounds great zee."

"good. now c'mon baby, let me see that beautiful smile of yours." zayn says, as he tickles harry's sides. harry jumps in surprise, giggling and trying to push zayn's hands away. zayn smiles, loving the sounds of harry's laughter, that he feels like he hasn't heard in forever. he is glad that harry could laugh and Ile despite the things that are going on at the moment. he would do anything to have him smile everyday and have him happy. that's all he wants. for harry to be safe and happy, and he wishes they didn't have to worry about other circumstances. but it wasn't like that now.

this wasn't over, and they had to be prepared for whatever zack had coming, and no matter what happened, zayn was gonna protect harry with everything he had in him.


sorry this chapter was rushed and a bit short, but i have to go to my senior award ceremony and i wanted to update beforehand so i could start on the next chapter.

but tell me what you think? and what do you think zack's gonna do? :)


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