thirty three

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being out in the open for the first time in almost a month felt sort of foreign to harry. he felt like he didn't know how to interact with people anymore. zayn seemed fine though, at least on the outside he did. harry couldn't tell what went on in his head. they were holding hands as they walked through the mall. the most public place to be, in case something happened. they knew zack wanted to be low key, so he'd be stupid to try something here where all these people were. but then again, never underestimate the mind of a psychopath.

shopping was something harry and zayn used to enjoy doing with one another. harry loved the environment of the mall, happy groups of friends, families and couples walking around and spending money that they'd probably regret doing once the monthly bill came up, and zayn loved to spoil harry even though harry always insisted that he didn't need it. but they obviously haven't been able to do that with what's going on.

harry was a bit stiff and jumpy. he was constantly tense and eyeing everyone carefully when they got close to him. zayn couldn't blame the poor guy for being paranoid but he really wanted harry to just relax and forget all his fears and spend a day just pretending that everything was back to normal. that was the least they could do for now.

"haz love, relax, you're so tense baby." zayn says softly. harry looks up at him and stops walking. he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before letting it out. his muscles relax only slightly, so he does it again until he feels completely relaxed. harry lets out a sigh and leans into zayn's side. "you good?"

"yes. i'm sorry, it just feels weird being out and all.." harry says.

"it's okay haz, i understand. how about we go to the food court? you must be starving, you haven't eaten all day." zayn suggests. harry nods. zayn smiles and grabs harry's hand again, leading them into the food court that wasn't too far away from where they were standing. they both decided to just get a pizza to share together along with some cheesy bread sticks. while they waited in line, harry clung to zayn, not being able to help his wondering eyes as he looked all around them. there was so many people here and harry was getting nervous. his eyes shifting all over and cringing every time someone walked too close to him. he was a wreck, but he tried to push his nervousness back. he didn't want to upset zayn. it was the first time they'd been out since he got back and he knows zayn is tired of being inside all day. even when he tells harry that he doesn't mind, harry knows it's not.

zayn was never the type to just stay in all day. he loved to move around, go out to places, take walks, and just do all he could in a day. but now harry felt like he was holding zayn back. zayn seemed to like being out in the open again, and harry really didn't wanna ruin it with his paranoia. so he took another breath and pulled away from zayn clasping his hands together. just a little longer, hang in just a little longer, he told himself.

"you okay?" zayn asked, wondering why harry pulled away. he really didn't mind a clingy harry.

"i'm fine zee, i-it's just all these people make me a bit uncomfortable.." harry trailed off looking around once more, before averted back to zayn.

"fuck i'm sorry, i shouldn't have chosen to come here. i should have knew it would be too much for you." harry shakes his head.

"no, no it's okay zee, i'm alright now." harry tells him. zayn bites his lip not knowing if harry was really being sincere. he nods and they continue to wait in the line. once they were able to get their food, they found a place to sit in the crowded food court. it started to feel more and more normal to harry as he and zayn sat across from each other, eating their food and making casual talk. they haven't been able to do this in a while and it felt nice to come back to it.

harry for over his paranoia just a little, enough so that he can actually have a normal conversation with zayn for once. zayn held his hands across the table, smiling fondly at the boy as he spoke, ignoring the fact that harry now had a stutter. zayn didn't look at him any different, he was still the same guy zayn fell in love with in high school and he would forever be that guy. the one he fell in love with and the one he would continue to love no matter what.

after finishing up their food, they threw away the waste and linked hands again. essentially, they did not end up buying anything during their walk around the mall. the desire just wasn't there, so after eating, they headed out of the mall and towards zayn's car. the parking lot had been mostly filled up by the time they got here, so they parked pretty far out. once they reached the car, zayn let go of harry's hand.

"hold on babe, i have to call officer hendsen to let him know we're about to go." zayn says, before pulling out his phone to dial up the officer who was keeping an eye on them and had escorted them to the mall. he was supposed to text him before hand to let him know they were about to leave so that he'd already be out here, but it didn't occur to either of them till now. harry nods and folds his hands in front of him. everything feels normal at the moment and it was a pretty calm day, despite the terrifying dream he had. it was just his over reactive imagination. once zayn notified hendsen, he was told to wait there for him.

but zayn didn't think it was a good idea. and just maybe he was right. just maybe coming out here wasn't a good idea at all, and that while they were out trying to get things off their mind, someone was planning something big. because something like this was never just over. zack didn't want to wait around anymore. the time has come for him to make a come back and he has them right where he needed them.

"c'mon babe, lets just start driving. i really don't wanna wait around for him." zayn says, opening the door for harry to get in. harry nods once more before maneuvering to get into the car. that's when his worst nightmare becomes true. before he can get in the car, he is grabbed from behind and put in a sleeper hold. screaming, he thrashes around fighting to get away. he can see zayn fighting off someone else who's dressed in all black, but the fight doesn't last long before the back of a gun cracks against the back of zayn's head hard, instantly knocking him out. harry screams in terror and feels himself being pulled into the back of zayn's car. he tries his best to come out of the hold, but he starts feeling weak and faint as his air ways are being cut off.

the other person, gets an unconscious zayn up and throws him into the passenger seat slamming the door shut, quickly moving to get into the driver side with the keys that he got from zayn's pocket. harry's fully inside the back seat, kicking and screaming in fear. he hears the engine start, and can faintly hear a commotion on the outside. the car takes off quickly, swerving recklessly through the parking lot.

a rag is shoved in harry's face and he starts to panic more, his feet roughly kicking the door and his arms flailing attempting to fight off his attacker. the chemical starts to work quickly, weakening his body and slowly making him slip into an unconscious state. black spots clutter his vision, and his eyes flutter, no longer being able to stay open. darkness over takes him and a voice he can no longer hear, speaks.

"sleep baby."


i was supposed to update like two days ago, but i got lazy .

also satan's waterfall came to visit this month, so now i'm a bitter angry emotional bitch :))))) who wants to face my wrath?

hate you all xx

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