fourty seven

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three weeks later

the room was filled with books and old oak shelves that had looked pretty well kept, and dusted. the light was dimmed and there was a delicious smelling incense sticks carrying over the room. there was a wooden desk over in the corner of the room, and a plush sofa placed diagonally from it, while a brown leather chair was positioned directly in front of the sofa but kept at a distance. there was a long rectangular coffee table placed in between the furniture.

zack sat quietly on the sofa. his back was pressed against the couch while his head from thrown back resting in the top of the couch as he stared up blankly at the ceiling, barely blinking. his legs were spread slightly as they were sprawled out in front of him and his hands were in his lap. hand cuffs were placed on his wrists. it was mandatory to have them just in case something went wrong during his session.

his hair was messy and unkept and he hadn't uttered a word since he stepped foot in the room. there was a lady sitting across from him with a note pad in her hands tapping a pen against the paper as she eyed zack. she stared at him curiously, analyzing his body language. obscuring every movement although he hadn't moved at all since he'd sat down. his skin was slightly pale, and he almost looked dead just by the way he wasn't moving and continued to gaze up at the ceiling without blinking. she could tell he was clearly battling with some demons. everyone had them, but the ones zhe dealt with were stronger, darker.

"zack?" dr.price called, trying to get zack's attention. zack did not respond, nor did he move to even indicate he'd heard her. she stays patient though. she's had a lot of patients who aren't always responsive at first, sometimes not even for the first few weeks they are responsive, but everyone works at their own pace, so she never finds herself impatient. instead, she keeps trying, "zack? are you here with me?" she asks softly. zack still does not response and stays still.

price presses her lips together in thought, and then jots something down in her note pad wanting to record his behavioral interactions as well as any physical or emotional. taking a breath, she sets the notepad on her lap and looks back over at zack. she had never seen a patient quite like zack, yes she had had plenty of them who didn't like to talk, but zack seemed a little different. he had this dark aura to him, darker than she'd ever felt. but it didn't scare her per se, it intrigued her. she knew of the situation with him, but not the deeper part of it. but it was up to zack whether he'd open up or not to talk to her about it.

"can you come back to me so we can talk maybe?" she tries again. she expected zack to be silent, and maybe stay that way for the whole duration of the session, but surprisingly she heard him mutter something under his breath. although she thinks he isn't actually replying to her, but more so talking to himself. she leans in slightly, "what was that?"

instead of repeating what he said before, he asks without looking at her, "why am i here?" his voice is deep and raspy from having not talked in a while. ever since he was in the hospital and after being released he'd barely talked. not to people or when anyone was around anyways. mostly to himself.

"well zack, reasons can vary, i can't know for sure." she says, then smoothness out her slightly wrinkled skirt. "why do you think you're here?"

zack laughs darkly his eyes still averted up to the ceiling. "i think you and i both know why."

"why yes zack, i'm glad you understand the circumstances, but the point is, do you think you should be here?" she asks, eyeing zack curiously. zack goes quiet again, his lips pressed in a flat line as he breathed in and out at a slow pace. his hands twitches every now and then making the metal cuffs clank a little. if she could've, she would've asked for them to be off, but he was said to have them on for safety reasons. plus zack was still not diagnosed and was extremely unstable at the moment, anything could go wrong if she had said the wrong thing to him.

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