About me

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I was tagged by teenwolfluvxox

What's the thing you hate the most

What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?
Um, idk I do a lot of stupid things tbh

Do you like someone?
I do, his name is Brock, but him and I both have depression so we're not allowed to hang out........we used to be best friends tho

How many siblings do you have?
I have three half brothers

Who's your favorite character?
Either Stiles or Isaac

What's your favorite book?
I'm in love with the whole Harry Potter series as well as The Maze Runner series

Do you have any stuffed animals?
I live for stuffed animals

Do you have glasses?

What color is your hair?
Light brown and people always tell me that I have natural streaks of red and blonde

What do you love more that anything?
Evan Peters.

My questions:
What's your name?
Fav TV show?
Fav band/singer?
Do you play any instruments?
How tall are you?
What color is your room?
What's your favorite subject in school?
What's the name of your best friend?
How old are you?
Do you have any pets?

FxllOutBxyy stydiaokay gabrielagarcia859

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