#5::Theo Reaken

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Prompt #5: "Am I your lock screen?"

The first time you start to notice it, the two of you are on the couch, flipping through channels on the TV.

Theo was in the kitchen getting you and him fresh drinks, when a familiar 'ding' sounds from his phone. You know it's his phone, because yours is almost always on silent.

"Theo! You got a text!" You call over your shoulder, one hand automatically reaching out to grab his phone from where it's laying, face down, on the other end of the couch.

To your utter surprise, Theo comes racing in like a hurricane, and quickly snatches away his phone.

"Got it, thanks," he says, not looking up at you.

You arched your brow upwards in confusion at his sudden actions. "You....okay?"

"Yep, fine."

You nod slowly, still very confused. "...Did you get the drinks?"

His head snaps up, and he shoves his phone into his pocket. "oh, yeah. Uh, be right back."

The second time, they're at the lacrosse field, hanging around with the rest of the pack.

"All right, Y/N. You got lucky, I'll give you that"

"Unbelievable," you scoff, "you're probably the only person on the planet who would call scoring twice in a row, on a supernatural being, 'lucky'."

He shrugs unconcernedly, gesturing for you to begin trying to score on him once more.

At the sound of a little ding, you automatically glanced at where your phones were placed on the bench closest to you two.

You step back in surprise when Theo all but throws himself at the bench to get to his phone.

"I got it," he quickly says, shielding his phone from your view.

"Okay, is it something urgent?"

"Nope. Nothing important."

You watch as he flicks through his phone a few times, then sets it back down, face down this time.

Over the next week, you can;t help but notice how Theo does everything to keep his phone to himself.

He always keeps it on his side of the couch when you're watching TV, instead of leaving it on the coffee table like you do. He never, ever, lets you get even the smallest glance at his phone.

It's fucking weird. At some point, you start to think he's cheating.

"This has got to be too much basil," you say to yourself, shaking your head at the small mountain of chopped herbs sitting on the counter before raising your voice. "Theo, does this look like too much basil?"

A muffled response chimes in from down the hall, but it's too distance to make sense of.

"Does that mean no?" You call, poking softly at the raw slabs of meat in front of you.

Another response sounds from your shared room, somehow even more muffled than before.

You sigh, looking over to Theo's phone sitting on the kitchen table. He'd been reading a recipe of the screen for a good twenty minutes, but now that he'd disappeared into their room, the phone was turned face down.

You glance towards the hall. No movement.

Blowing out a breath, you reach for the phone. It's JUST to look at the recipe, you tell yourself as your hand closes around the device. And that's when Theo decides to reappear in the hallway, of course.

"Okay, forget it. I couldn't find the-" He freezes in the threshold, his eyes rounding in panic. "Wha- no."

"Am I your lock screen?!"

Theo's face immediately contorts into embarrassment as he denies it, even though you're obviously looking down at his lock screen as he speaks.

You look up with a teasing smile on your face. "So this face right here on your lock screen, isn't my face?"

Theo blinks, then lunges for his phone, snatching it out of your grasp.

"You weren't supposed to see that," he grumbles, intending to sound annoyed, but sounding rather flustered instead.

"Theo," you say, smiling wide as you look up at him.

"It's just a lock screen, okay?" He snaps, stuffing the phone into the pocket of his jeans. "Don't make a thing out of it."

"Theo," you repeat, planting your hands in his chest, to keep him from walking away from you.

"Everybody was a weird lock screen at some point," he continues, "It's doesn't necessarily mean-"


"What?" He snaps again.

You wait, holding your phone in your hand to show him your lock screen.

"Wow," he finally speaks. "That's....actually not a bad picture of me."

"Yes," you respond dryly, despite the red flushing across her cheeks. "I know."

"So," Theo speaks, looking down at you.

You just nod, fully conscious of the way your ears are burning. "So."

He crosses his arms over his chest, one smug brow raised. "Why am I your lock screen?"

You almost don't recover in time to send back a smug smirk of your own.

"Well," you say, tucking your phone back in your pocket before moving even closer to him. "I gotta say, it's because you're so god damn good looking."

Theo doesn't mind the playful punch you land on his shoulder (maybe because it's weak as hell and he has super strength) as he chuckles and leans down to place a kiss on your lips.

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