Jordan Parrish

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I decided I was in the mood for some cute Jordan fluff after the new episode.



It had been a long few months in Beacon Hills, though that's how it always felt. As if time was dragging on and on and there was never more than a moment to breathe. It was exhausting.

Parrish, a deputy and a hellhound, found himself constantly on the move. He was either on the job or fighting supernatural creatures, sometimes both, and that left very little time for his girlfriend.

Jordan had been dating Y/N, a 24-year-old teacher's aid and banshee, for a few years. They lived together and spent as much time together as they could but most of their time together was interrupted by one thing or another.

But not tonight. Parrish decided that nothing was going to interrupt them tonight, and they were going to relax - really relax - for the first time in months.

When Y/N walked into their home after work a bit later than usual she found all the lights off and candles set up all around the living room.

Jordan pulled away from lighting the last candle and turned around to greet her wearing nothing but his bathrobe.

"What's all of this?"

"You and I are going to relax and have some fun. I brought out all your face masks so we can choose some of them to do and nail polish so I can paint your nails, and I've been watching videos online about how to give a massage and I might just show you what I've learned."

"You happened to come across a lot of porn didn't you?"

Jordan sighed. "So much porn."

Y/N laughed and kissed his cheek. "Well, when do we get started?"

"Right now, go get your robe on and meet me back out here."

"Just my robe?" She asked.

"Just your robe." He assured.

"Then, I'll be right back." She pecked Jordan quickly on the lips before striding over to the bedroom.

A few minutes later Y/N came back into the living room makeup removed from her face, hair pulled back into a bun and wearing a plush white bathrobe that matched Jordans, a Christmas present from her mother with their names embroidered in gold on the left side.

"Hey hot stuff." Jordan smiled, wrapping Y/N in a hug.

Y/N laughed and hit Jordan slightly on the chest. "I was literally just out here."

"Yeah, and then you went away, now you're back and you look good." Jordan explained holding her closer.

"You're such a dork."

"But I'm a dork who loves you."

"And I love you." She smiled before kissing him softly then pulling away completely.

"So mask time?" Jordan asked moving back toward the couch.

"Mask time, what one do you want to use?" Y/N asked looking at the colored tubes on the coffee table.

"I don't know, what are you using?"

"Probably the Chocolate and Strawberry clay mask. I love how it smells." She replied, picking up the pink tube and reading the back.

"What do you think I should use?"

"Probably the anti-stress one. You are a stressed out hellhound plus it will soothe your skin. You'll love it." She explained with a smile.

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