Scott McCall *requested*

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I hoped this turned out how you wanted it, if not then don't be afraid to tell me in the comments!!

And I'm so sorry this took so long, I've had a lot going on right now and I've been feeling very anxious lately.

But anyway, let's just get into the imagine!!


You looked down at your belly, the thought of
your unborn baby making you feel overwhelmed with nerves. You had yet to Scott about it.

He was on it way to pick you up for your first real date and you planned on telling him there. Although, it seemed easier said then done.


You followed Scott through the door and into Derek's loft, the room remaining dark.

"Can you turn the lights on?" You asked, looking around cluelessly. "Actually, I need you to do that." You furrowed your eyebrows as he grabbed your wrist and guided your hand to a hanging lightbulb.

The lights flickered on, revealing about 25 more lights, each hanging from the ceiling at different heights.

You looked around in awe, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck in hug. "It's amazing," you smiled, forgetting about your plan for a few seconds. "So what now?"

He pulled out movie and lead you over to the couch. "Stiles said you'd know what movie this was," Scott said, confusion evident. "Star Wars," you groaned, leaning back onto the couch. Scott laughed and set the case down.

"What would you like to do instead?" You looked over at him as your mind traveled to the morning and the pregnancy test.

"I-I have something I need to tell you." He grabbed one of your hands and look at you as to say "continue." You took a deep breath, suddenly feeling short of air.

"I-I uh, I'm-" You were cut off as Scott's head snapped towards the window, a berserker smashing through the window simultaneously.

Scott stood immediately, ready to protect you. Kate soon follows with another berserker, smirking at Scott's gesture.


Kate leans down to Scott's height as the breaker grabs your arm, holding you in place.

"Please, just leave her out of this," Scott pleaded, Kate smirking in response before shaking her head. She sent a look to the berserker holding you, as if giving it an order.

You felt another hit to your head before everything went black, Scott calling out for you being the last thing you heard.


Waking up in La Iglesias was probably the scariest thing you'd ever done. The floor was covered in bones, victims you figured. The gate stood out to you as you ran towards it.

You looked down shocked as it opened with ease. It wasn't locked? Suddenly, the reason became clear. Your eyes caught sight of a berserker, unfortunately looking right at you.

You breath hitched in your throat as you turned to run as fast as you could, but not far enough. You were yanked back, and pushed against the wall abruptly.

You studied the thing, the band on its arm making you sick to your stomach. Scott's tattoo. You looked into it's eyes. It was Scott.

Scott looks at you for a second before slamming you against the wall again, knocking you out.


"Y/N? Wake up!" Stiles voice called as a figure shakes you. Your eyes shot open as you sat up, taking in your surroundings. Stiles stood in front of your, concern etched across his features.

"Where's the berserker?" You asked quickly, grabbing Stiles. "Wha-" You cut him off. "Just show me where the others are!" You yelled, causing him to nod and lead you back towards the entrance.

As Malia came into view, you ran forward. "Malia! Stop!" She turns around, lowering the weapon. "It's Scott!"

Scott takes this moment to quickly hit Malia away from him, quickly falling to one knee as Liam kicked him down.

In one swift motion, Scott hand Liam in a chokehold, lifting up and against the wall.

You panicked, not thinking about what could happen before acting on the first thing that popped into your mind.

You grabbed a rock and threw it, hitting Scott in the back of the head. Scott dropped Liam, snapping around to push you roughly against the wall.

He brings his arm out, his arm level to your stomach. He was going to punch your baby.

"Scott!" You yelled, trying to push him back. "Scott, I'm pregnant! Please, the baby needs you!" You yelled, shrinking back as far as you could.

Scott seems to snap out of whatever trace he was in. He blinks a few times, quickly backing away from you. Stiles quickly runs in front of you just in case Scott tried to attack you again.

But he didn't. Scott began ripping the armor from his body, starting with his arms and ending with the skull. He gripped the sides, pulling as hard as he could. The skull broke apart, Scott letting out a loud yell as he fell to his knees.

"You." Scott gasps. "You were helping Kate. This is your fault." He stood up, wolfed out and his fists clenched. "You did it just so you could regain your power."

"I did it so my families power could be rightfully inherited by me. But if you want a fight, then let's fight pretty boy." He was soon wolfed out as well.


9 months later

Scott had won that fight, Peter quickly being transported to Echin House (A/N: is that how it's spelled?). You had made your way back to Beacon Hills and as soon as you got back, Scott had taken you out to celebrate your unborn child.

Now, here you were. 9 months later, about to give birth to your new daughter.

"Come on, baby! You're doing great, just a bit longer," Scott encouraged as you yelled in pain. "Just one more big push," the doctor instructed. You obeyed, wanting this to be over.

After a bit, the babies cries filled the room, making you smile in relief. She was here. Your little baby girl was here.

Scott's smile was a mile wide as he started at the little girl. He couldn't believe he was actually a dad. He gripped our hand tightly, leaking down and giving you a loving kiss. "I love you so much."

"I love you too."

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