Pack imagine for Sydney

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You sat in between Scott and Stiles, the pack having a meeting about the Alpha Pack. As you listened to Derek and Scott talk strategy, you felt someone's hand touching yours. You looked over, seeing Stiles leaning over the table, reading something. You slowly pulled your hand off the table, crossing your arms over you chest. 

You could tell that every male in that pack had one thing in common: they all had a crush on you. It's not like you were really complaining, they were all really attractive, but sometimes they just wouldn't give you the space they needed. You had spent a lot of time thinking about this and you weren't sure if you felt the same way towards any of them, but you let it go on, not wanting to hurt anyone. 

You snapped out of your daze when someone places their arm around your shoulder. It was Isaac, he smiled down at you, his eyes showing how tired he was. "Isaac, why don't you go to bed? You look really tired," you suggested, your mom instincts kicking in. Isaac just waved it off. "Come on," you demanded, taking by the hand and leading him to his bed. 

As he striped down into his boxers and changed into sweatpants, you were turned around, waiting patiently for him to finish. He laid down and you pecked his cheek, walking out and shutting the lights off. 

As the rest of the boys came into view, they all looked angry. "What happened in here?" You asked, oblivious to the jealousy in their angry glares. Derek shook his head, turning towards the window. Liam just stared at you, trying to calm his anger. Stiles was sat on the couch, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his eyes. Scott had just walked into the hallway. 

You looked around completely confused, until you put the pieces together in your brain. "Are you serious?! You're all getting jealous just because I was helping out Isaac?" Derek turned around, still looking a bit angry. "Look, you know how we feel about you and you can't keep leading us all on like this. So, you're gonna have to pick one of us." 

Your jaw dropped. "He's right," Scott agreed, now standing in the doorway. "So, who's it gonna be?" 

You looked around at all of them. Their eyes were filled with hope. They really cared about you. You thought hard about this, trying to think of who you thought would be your best choice. 

"Fine. I choose..."

If you chose Derek:   


You smiled at your choice, knowing it had been the right one. He had always been there for you when you really needed someone. You knew that he really cared about your well-being and you knew he'd treat you like yo deserved to be treated. 

Derek smiled and walked towards you, wrapping his arms tightly around your shoulders. "I knew you'd make the right decision," he chuckled into your ear. You giggled as your arms snaked around his waist.  

If you chose Scott: 


You turned to the alpha in the doorway, watching the huge smile spread across his features. You smiled and chuckled quietly. That was the smile you loved and cared for. 

He quickly made his way over to you, picking you up by your waist and spinning you around. You squealed and gripped onto his shoulders. He set you down, quickly pressing his lips to yours, making you feel those cliche-romantic-movie-sparks.

If you chose Stiles: 


You thought about all the times you and Stiles had talked. It had always been goofy and dorky and he had always been so awkward. You loved that about him. You loved how his eyes had the gleam in them whenever he talked about something he was passionate about. 

You walked over to him and quickly got pulled into his lap, which had you giggling and hiding you red cheeks in his neck. "I'm glad you chose me," he whispered, pecking your nose. 

If you chose Liam: 


You looked towards the young beta. His eyes had filled with disbelief at your choice. He really couldn't believe you had chosen him. Soon, his disbelief changed to pure joy as he ran forward and gathered you in his arms, placing kisses all over your face. You giggled and soon met your lips with his. 

"Thank god you're mine now," he mumbled under his breath. 

If you chose Isaac: 

"Isaac." (A/N: He's mine. Back off.)

Their eyes bored holes into your back as you turned on your heel and walked back to Isaac. You were soon stripped down into just your over-sized t-shirt and you were crawling into bed with Isaac. 

His eyes fluttered open and he smiled warmly when he saw you. "Isaac, I chose you. You're the one I want." His smile grew larger as he pulled you into his chest, pressing a peck to your forehead before you both fell asleep. 



I hope you liked it Sydney. I had serious writers block and I re-wrote this so many times before I was actually happy with it. Requests are still open, so leave some down in the comments and I'll get back to you asap!

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