Favorite thing about you (preference)

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Scotty: Scott loves how you can calm him down so easily. It's not often that he loses his temper, when you're around anyway. But when it does happen, just the simplest brush on his arm or a "Scott...," will pull him out of it.

Hyperactive Spaz: he loves how you appreciate even the smallest, cheesiest things that he does to make you happy. It gives him a sense of pride and seeing you content, makes him content.

Sourwolf: Though he would never admit it, Derek adores how affectionate you are with him. When you ruffle his hair in public, he pretends to be annoyed, but the truth is he loves it. His heart rate often races when you slip your hand into his as you two stroll silently through Beacon Hills woods.

Curly: Isaac loves how short you are compared to him. First, he'll laugh about it, teasing you playfully. Then, after watching you nearly kill yourself trying to get something off the top shelf, he'll chuckle as he helps grab whatever it is your reaching for.

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