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"Maxon! You have 20 minutes, until your next appointment!" My mom yells up the stairs

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"Maxon! You have 20 minutes, until your next appointment!" My mom yells up the stairs. I look over at the clock and it's 8:45 am. I practically jump out of bed and run to my closet. I throw on some jeans and a light blue dress shirt, then some sneakers and run down the stairs, almost falling. I walk into the kitchen and see Mom is making some lemon muffins. I grab two and bit into one, but spit it out.

" Hot," I yell running over to fridge about to drink out of the carton.

" Maxon," My mom says knowing what I'm doing without even seeing. I grab a glass pouring me some milk and drink it. "Thanks, mom" I kiss her cheek and walk into the living room. To see May watching something about the Royals. She dreams of being a being a princess, and I don't have the heart to tell her that won't happen. So, I let her keep dreaming. I give her a kiss and ruffle her hair.

" Don't touch my hair," May slaps my hand, all without taking her eyes off the Tv.

" Bye, Dad!" I say as I walk towards to front door.

" Bye, Max!" My Dad yells from the garage. I grab my camera which was laid by front door table. I run all the way to the destination where my client's are meeting me. I see a Young man and young women holding hands. As I walk closer I see a little girl running through the field. The young man sees me walking and turns toward me and sticks out his hand. I take his hand and shake.

" Hi, I'm Maxon"

" Hey, I'm Edward. My wife Elizabeth and my little girl Jennifer" He waves Jennifer over. She is wearing a white dress with white flowers weaved in her hair to look like a headband." Jennifer" Her Dad calls her over and she comes running to her Dad.

" This is Maxon and he is going to take our pictures," Jennifer smiles and sticks out her to shake. This surprises me a great deal. Never seen such a little girl with such confidence.

I shake her hand" I'm Jennifer" She says with a sweet smile

" Maxon" I smile back. 

" So we ready?" I ask.

" Yep!" Jennifer shouts excitedly. I take so many photos my memory card maxes out. And it was a brand new one. I got a lot of the family and then a few of Edward and Elizabeth. Plus, a lot of just Jennifer. After they looked at a few of the photos and were happy with them. I headed home. As I was walking home I came across a shop and see a silver locket in the window. And know right away May would love it. I walk into the store walking right to the window. I look at the price tag, and it's 40 dollars. I realize I just made 40 dollars. I grab the locket and walk it up to counter

" Hello, sweetheart. What a pretty necklace," The old lady says looking at the neckless, " I'll give it to you for half the price,"

"Its-" I get cut off.

" Sweetheart, I see how hard you work. Take it for half the price" She puts it in a black box putting it in my hand.

" Thank you so much," I hand her the 20 dollar bill with a final smile and yet another thank you I leave the shop. I run all the way home because it starts pouring. I put my camera and my necklace box in my jacket to protect them. I get home and swing open the door.

" Maxon!" May comes running to me and gives me a big hug.

" Hey, dear" I kiss the top her head " I have something for you," I say with a smile. May's eyes widen. I grab the box out from my jacket handing it to her. " Here," 

She opens it, and looks up at me in shock," Maxon! It's so pretty. Thank you so much!" She smiles and wraps her arms around my waist, " Thank you so much," She whispers quietly tearing up.

My eyes widen, " A-anything May," I stutter not knowing how to deal with crying women. May laughs and kisses me on the cheek. She tries to put the necklace on, but can't because she can't see what she is doing. I twist her hair and put it on her shoulder, and help her with the neckless. 

" Thank you, Maxon. You the best brother a girl could ask for" She gives me a final hug and kiss and walks over to the Tv. I take off my coat and lay it on the table

" Maxon Singer hang up your coat," My mom says while walking down the stairs. I do as she says, and hang up my coat. I follow my Mom into the kitchen and see she has made Chicken, green beans, and bread.

" Smells amazing, Mom," I say to my Mom

" Thank you, sweetheart" My mom smiles " Can you set the table for me?" I nod my head and I grab plates, forks, and napkins. I put the plates, and forks down, and put the napkins on top of the plate. 

" Dinner!" My Mom yells. Everyone walks to the table. We take our normal spots and dish out the food. While getting our food we listen to May talk about her day.

" Do you know what the Princess said!" May yells.

" May inside voice," My Dad says while cutting his meat.

"Princess American is holding her selection" May put her hand on cheek dazed in a dream.

" What a seduction" Gerard adds the conversation

May laughs " Selection,  is where the prince or princess has 35 men or women come to the castle, and they pick there future husband or wife. It's super romance and fun to watch." Right when May said marry Gerard cringes, but it increases when she says romance.

" So, a selection? If this is true you are entering Maxon" My Mom says.

I think my nightmare just became real. 

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The Photographer (Selection Fanfic) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now