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We all walk to breakfast very fast because we're all starving, but once we reach the dining room, we all stop and walk in, looking like gentlemen

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We all walk to breakfast very fast because we're all starving, but once we reach the dining room, we all stop and walk in, looking like gentlemen. We all bow and sit. The King and Queen are seated, the King on the right, the Queen in the middle, and America on left. America is currently eating scrambled eggs with toast and bacon. To top her breakfast off she has a glass of orange juice. She looks calm and collected. Maid's bring our food. I see June walk over to me with food in her hand. She puts the food in front of me.

" Thank you, June" I whisper.

"M-mhm" June stutters and walking away.

Everyone is quiet. You can hear everyone's silverware clinking against their plates until the sounds of chairs moving. The King and Queen rise from their seats. They leave without saying anything. America stays and eats. Like Mr.Who said, we only speak when spoken to. So, we all don't talk. We just say quiet and eat, until America says something.

"Maxon?" America calls with a grin on her face.

I smile back at her "Yes?"

"Why you take photos?"She asks.

I wasn't so surprised by her question because she was asking everyone about their careers. But what surprised me was the tone of voice she used. Like, as if she cared, cared about me. Me, some five who just takes photos for ends meat.

"I take photos because you capture a memory and look at it for years. And cherish it,"I answer truthfully. 

America smiles. "What made you want to take photos?"America asks

" When I was younger my Dad had a camera lying around. I just started taking photos,"I answer with a smile. We finished breakfast within the next 20 minutes "You are all dismissed, but Sir Maxon. May I speak with you?" America asks while looking at me. I nod with a smile. All the other suitors leave, while grumbling. I wait for all the others to leave before I walk to America.

" Yes?" I ask with a nervous tone of voice.

America chuckles and rolls her eyes " I don't bite. Just wanted to ask if you wanted to go for a walk in the gardens" She asks I'm in awe. Princess America, a one. Want to go on a date with me!? I'm pretty much freaking out on the inside, but somewhat calm on the outside.

"Of course," I nod playing it cool. I hold out my arm for her to take and we both walk to the garden. I find a bench and walk to it with America, and sit down.

" Where did our conversation end?" America thinks

" If I remember, we were talking about my family" I answer her question.

" Oh, right! We were talking about your sister, May?" She nods excited.

 " I also have a brother Gerad. He doesn't know what he wants to do. So he just plays baseball and hangs out with bugs" I explain. America smiles at my response.

" Any other siblings?" America asks and instantly tenses
" An older brother named Kota"  I can see it in her face that she wants to ask questions, but she doesn't.*

" Parents?" She asks with her hand under her chin

" Got two" 

America gasps " No way,"

I roll my eyes " My mom is a Musician. She's is very good at. She played a lot when I was a boy. My dad is a painter. He's wonderful" I smile talking about my family. Our conversation lasts for a while, till America has to head in for work. I walk into the suitor room to be welcome "friendly".

" Hey, hotshot," Cameron hisses

" At least he got a date" Griffin jokes and smacks me on the back.

" She asked him out of pity. Your a worthless five," Harper grins.

Tyler closes his book and rises from his seat. Everyone knows not to mess with Tyler. Like, Mr.Who. " At least he is smarter. His daddy doesn't pay for everything like your dad does. He works. You know what work is right. Even though you probably have maids who do everything for you." Tyler says in a strong tone. I just stand back and watch to show.

"I have more money than both of your lives are worth" Harper shouts across the room.

" Yet, you have no dignity" Tyler walks right up to Harper. Even though Tyler is a few castes lower than Harper. Tyler is fearless and way smarter.

" You're all talk, Tyler," Harper hisses

Tyler grins " Is that a challenge?" Harper knows he should have shut his mouth because not only did Tyler just make him look like an idiot, but know he is going to take all his dignity too. Harper was too arrogant to back down.

" Yes," He practically spits on Tyler's face. Tyler keeps calm. Takes out a handkerchief and wipes his face. He sits down on the couch and so does Harper. It's like I'm watching one of those cowboy movies. Like, when they're having a standoff. Tyler hands Arron a book.

" Give us questions, Arron. So, show who's just talk," Tyler glares.

Arron rolls his eyes and opens the book " Name 20 numbers of pi-" Arron didn't even finish before Tyler answers.

" 3.14159265358979323846" Tyler answer quickly and without a sweat. Everyone eyes go wide. Tyler just sits there grinning.

Arron reads the next question " During to War against France and China. What bulle-" Arron gets cut off again by Tyler

" The BBA 45 magnum" Tyler answers.

Arron rolls his eyes and asks the next question "What's 1,220 time 6, "

"7-" Tyler gets cut off

"7320," Harper cuts Tyler off. He cheated, yet got the point. They go for about a half of an hour, till they reach the last question.

"Who wrote the much-loved book, Rom-"

Tyler cuts off Arron again," Shakespeare," Everyone claps for Tyler. Tyler rises from his seat " Be careful how proud you are Harpe," Tyler walks out to room not uttering another word. Everyone is lost for words. Arron just rolls his eye and throws the book on the couch and leaves also. After about 5 minutes everyone goes back to normal. I sit on the couch and I see Mr.Who and Silva outside Shouting at one another. 

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The Photographer (Selection Fanfic) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now