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"The black tie or gold tie?" I hear someone whisper

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"The black tie or gold tie?" I hear someone whisper. I open my eyes to see June and Jo figuring out what I'm going to wear for the day. I realize they still think I'm asleep, which leads me to an idea. 

"Morning," I say, and I'm met with shrieks

"Don't.do.that." June puts her hands over her heart.

"Agreed," Jo glares crossing her arms," But since your up early time to get ready. Let's start with a haircut because you need one," I roll my eyes, but take a set in front of the mirror. She starts by wetting my hair with a spray bottle, and begins cutting my hair, "June why don't you grab him some shoe's," Jo suggests.

"Will do," She nods disappearing in my closet, "Will these black one's do?" June walks out. Jo nods focused. Within 10 minutes she finishes my hair," Done," She sets down her cutting scissors.

"Thank you," I run my fingers through my hair.

"Anytime," Jo shrugs walking to the door, "Let's go, June. They need us downstairs."

"Will do. I'm going to miss this place," She whispers.

"Huh?" I ask confused.

"Nothing," Her eyes widen.

"June, you should tell him. I mean you are his maid," Jo crosses his arms.

"I put my two weeks in yesterday. Within two week I will no longer be your maid," June puts her hands on her hips huffing, " I thought it was time to get out of here. I've been working here for a few years," She explains.

"Sure, I may be sad but I understand June," Jo smiles tearing up hugging June.

"Of course I'm going to miss you, but I'll come back to vist," June laughing with tears in her eyes. I stand not knowing what to do. Crying women always freak me out. I never know what to do, so I just stand there just letting them cry. "But since we're reaching the end of the selection Jo will just be your maid."

"Plus, no one can replace June," Jo raises an eyebrow.

"Agreed," I nod," I'm so sad your leaving, but at the same time so happy for you June."

" Thanks, Maxon," She walks over to me and give me a side hug. I grin hug her back. I look down and see she's blushing. I look over at Jo and she's grinning.

"Well, have a good day," June says in squeaky voice and walks out the door.

" Bye, Maxon," Jo laughs following June.


"I'm done with games," Griffin throws his cards as I walk into the suitorsroom.

"Why?" I ask sitting next to Harper.

"I'm sick of playing board games," Griffin crosses his arms.

"No, I just think you're sick of losing," Harper grins resting his feet on the table. Griffin rolls his eyes.

"I bet I can beat Harper is less than 10 minutes in chess," Tyler raises an eyebrow looking up from his book.

"Yeah, right," Harper rolls his eyes.

"Is that a challenge Mr.Jackson?" Tyler sets down his book.

"I think it is," Harper grins pushing the chess board in front of them. To no surprises the game ends within four moves, "What the heck? How?"

"Its calls skill," Tyler grins sitting back, " Don't let your ego go to your head." Everyone, but Harper is grinning. For once someone gave it to Harper. Harper has the biggest ego than anyone here, and no one ever tells him that's it gets annoying. And I'm sure glad Tyler did in his own way. Harper being Harper doesn't like that fact that he lost and demands a rematch, but to no surprise, Tyler beats him again. In the middle of another chess game someone knocks on the door, and its none other than Mr.Who.

" Breakfast is do-" Mr.Who is cut off when Griffin shoots up from his seat running out of the room. Mr.Who grits his teeth, and walks away. We get to breakfast and Griffin has already dived into his food.

"This maid gave me my food and didn't make me wait," He points at June. June smiles blushing.

"You lucky she's nice," Harper chuckles sitting down. June blush deepens and rushes into the kitchen. In the middle of breakfast, a maid comes walking into the dining room walking over to me.

"Mr.Singer," She hands me a note.

"Thank you very much," I nod and look down at the note.

Dear Maxon,

I'm so sorry about last night. For snapping at you, but also for not being honest with you. I'd like to explain what's going on. I'm in my bedroom if you want to talk.


"What is-" Griffin begins.

"Nothing," I cut him off, and put the note in my coat jacket. I make my way up to American's bedroom. Once I reach her bedroom I'm surprised to see no guards at her door. I knock on her door, within seconds America answers. Instead of wearing a dress America is wearing a robe, her hair is tied up, and wearing no makeup, "American are you okay?"

"No," She reasons honestly, "But let me explain," She moves aside to let inside. Knowing that she isn't okay makes me want to fix it, but I decide to give you space and not overwhelm her. I walk inside taking off my suit jacket taking a seat.

"If you don't mind me asking, but why-"

"Weren't there any guards at my door?" She finishes my question with a grin, "I've been asked that question so many times," American walks over to me taking a seat next to me," I just felt with a guard outside my door I felt like couldn't breathe. I'm always in the spotlight. Always being watched," She shrugs resting her head on my shoulder. My heart skips a beat at her gesture, "But again I'm so sorry about last night. You didn't deserved to get snapped at. It was bothering me all night the way I reacted."

"America, it's okay," I take her hand into mine.

"It's not even with everything that's going on it's not okay. And I haven't been honest with you," She breaths, "And I want to be." She squeezes my hand, " It all began around when I was 12,"

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The Photographer (Selection Fanfic) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now