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" Should we put the white or black tablecloth out?"Griffins ask while holding them up

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" Should we put the white or black tablecloth out?"Griffins ask while holding them up.

"Does it matter? There just-" Haper begins to ask.

Griffin cuts harper off "Don't say that. Last time I said something was just something I almost got attacked by a crazy June"

"I mean you were juggling books"I point out

"Why does this matter?"Harper asks.

"Why does anything matter?" Griffin says smartly "Anyways, we need to pick which color"Griffin says. When he says that Jo and June walk by. Sporting their normal black dresses, but without their white aprons. Instead of boots, Jo is wearing black heels. June is also is wearing heels, but instead of black heels, she is wearing red ones. And instead of sporting their hair in buns like they normally do there hair is down. June and Jo walk past us. I hear a shriek and turn around to see Griffin hiding behind Harper. June smiles at the sight.

" Well, hello Griffin," June says with an evil smile.

"June can we have peace for now?" Jo asks.

"For now, yes"June nods. Griffin lets out a breath and comes out from hiding "But don't you think I'm still not mad" June points at Griffin. Griffin nods with widening eyes.

"Which one? Black or white tablecloth?"Griffin holds them up.

"You always go black" June rolls her eyes.

"And why is that?"Harper asks out of the blue.

"Is that even a question? Black goes with everything. And when I say everything I mean everything" June explains.

"So, the black tablecloths it is,"Griffin says a little scared, and I'm with him on this one.

"So, why you aren't dressed for work?" Harper asks. Since when was he so interested in people? I ask myself.

" We got tonight off, and don't know how?" June shrugs, and looks over at dessert table "Oh my gosh! The desserts are out" June freaks and runs while moving people out of the way.

"I better head over there. I don't want her eating all the desserts"Jo begins walking away.

" Could she?"Griffin asks

" She could and will if I don't get over there" Jo runs over.

" Those crazy maids," Griffin says with a smile on his face.

"And a cute one" Harper mutters.

"You mean ones?" I correct.

"Sure" He shrugs.

It took us about an hour to get everything in order. And by the looks of it, the other team is ahead of us. But all they had to do was plan the menu. While we had to plan the decor and set them up.

The Photographer (Selection Fanfic) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now