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To say I got any sleep last night would be an utter lie

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To say I got any sleep last night would be an utter lie. Right, when I got out of June's cell I looked for America. The guard told me she was needed by her Father. I close my eyes knowing what that means.

I snuck into Harper bedroom and walked to his desk opening the drawer at the door he told me too. I grab his phone and look through his contacts finding Jane's number right away. When I called it took me forever to explain who I was, but after she understood who I was. She promised that she would look after London until Harper got back and that she will keep her away from Tv tomorrow morning.

Currently, all the suitors are being ushered's into a line of seats. We all know what is about to happen, and none of us is taking it well. Especially Griffin.

" Are they going to be okay?" He asks worriedly.

" They'll be okay. Yes, they'll be in pain, but alive." I nod looking at the ground. The camera crew is currently doing a pan on use getting our reactions.

" Please rise," A guard yells, and two guards open the doors. Outcome King Clarkson and Queen Amberly. Right behind them walks America. She walks with her head high with her hands in fists, " You may be seated." A man in a mask yelled. The door opened again. A guard dragging June out by the hair, with her hands in chains. Then right behind her was a guard dragging Harper. Harper looked even worse than went I saw him last night. His lips were bleeding, and his clothes were ripped. While being dragged the Camera's were all around them. I look over at America and her face is hard with her hands are gripping her chair.

" Easy on them," Griffin whispers when the guard kicks Harper to the ground then June is thrown to the ground. I hear her scream and my hands go into the fists.

" Harper Randall Jackson!" The man in the mask called," A selected, son of Illea, was found last night with, June Farewell a trusted a royal maid." I look over at June and all want to do it hug her. Telling her everything is going to be okay. Her face is red from embarrassment, and even from where I'm sitting I can hear her sobbing. Harper, on the other hand, is staring at June with a hard face, " Harper Jackson broke his vow to Princess America. These offenses are treason to the royal family," He yells and both June and Harper are being strapped. Harper's shirt is then ripped off then he is strapped into a U-shaped frame. Straps are straightened around his arms, and waist to the point where is skin is red from being too tight. June was forced to kneel in front of the wooden block and her arms were strapped down hands facing up. Even with everything going on Harper still looked over at June.

" June it's going to be okay. We're going to get through this," I hear him trying to be strong for her. June on the other is resting her head on the wooden block crying. She's crying so hard her shoulders are shaking.

" This crime is punishable by death. But Princess America has shown grace and is going to spare there lives. Long live Princess America!" The camera zooms in closers when he yells this.

" This can't be happening," Griffin said in horror.

" Just trying not to look," Tyler whispers. I don't even respond because I'm busy walking the horror story that is happening in front of me. Watching two people who love each other be punished for it.

" Harper Randall Jackson and June Farewell you are both stripped of your caste. And are the lowest of the low. You are eights," He yells.

" June," Harper grits his teeth," Just know I love you and it's all worth it." June nods still resting her head on the block in shame, " But you will be publicly caned with fifteen strikes. May your scars remind you of your wrongdoings," He looks over at two other masked men and nods. They walk over and take two long rods out of the water. They swing the rods a few times as if there warming up. In seconds Harper's back would be struck, and June's beautiful hands... I close my eyes not being able to watch. I hear the can go down, and here June's scream. I open my eyes for split second and Harper doesn't even show any emotions. He's being strong for June. I swallow when I hear the can go down again.

"Two!" June screams even loud that the last time. Harper hands going into fists, and I see scream dripping down his face. And they still have thirteen more strikes to go.

" Three!" I look over the selected and they're taking just as bad as me, but Griffin is taking it the worst. He full on crying, but not tears of sadness. Tears of anger. Tyler's hands are on his knees and he's looking on the ground. Aspen is gritting his teeth looking is breathing heavily, " Four!" June's screams of pain will haunt me the rest of my life. The camera's moved in closer using their embarrassment as entertainment or even a comedy, " Five!"

"Ten more to go," Harper says in pain," I love-"

" Six!"

I made the mistake of looking up the stage and I see my stomach turn. There is blood everywhere. Harper's back has been torn and the skin is hanging. Blood is all over his pants. And June's hands are all bloody. There is blood all over her dress, " Seven!" He screams and I see Harper's eyes close, " Jun-"

" Seven!" June's eyes close. Her shoulders stop shaking and her head lays against the wooden board.

" What's wrong with, June?!" Griffin hits my shoulder.

"June's passed out from the amount of pain," I explain. Harper, on the other hand, is still holding on, " Eight!"

" June. June. Ju-" He begs to want to hear her voice, but wasn't going to get a response.

" Nine!"

" I love you, June," He pants. They must have realized the June was passed out and they finish the last few strikes quickly.

" Ten! Eleven! Twelve! Thirteen! Fourteen! Fifteen!" He yells.

" It's over, June," Harper says clearly in pain, but ignoring it to see June. He twists his head and see's June. " June!" He yells. The unstrap both of them. A guard picks up June. Once Harper is unstripped he pushes the guard away, " June!" But a few other guards run after him grabbing him by the back, and the collapse. They grab his arms dragging him away, but even with all pain, he must be going through. He's still fighting shouting for June. Never did I think joining the selected would I come to hate someone in beginning, yet in the end come to respect that person so much. 



I just wanted to let everyone know that throughout this whole book I've done my best to keep the book as original as possible. But I did keep a few things from the series but during this scene. I really wanted to stay close to the book, while adding my own spin. And my own character. Now, that are pieces of this chapter that did come from the book, and pieces that were totally mine.  I just felt that this was one piece of the series that I wanted to stay somewhat close to the book. So, I do give credit to our queen: Kiera Cass to certain parts of this chapter! 

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