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"Bow tie or regular tie?" Jo holds up both ties

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"Bow tie or regular tie?" Jo holds up both ties.

"It's not like it matter's Jo. Everyone is going to be looking at her. Rightfully so though," I smile like an idiot thinking that in less than two hour's America and I will be married. The last month has been quite a journey. With not only wedding planning, but also learning so much about the country, and what it takes to be a Prince Consort. So many times we didn't see each other for days because we were pulled in a million directions opposite of each other. It taught America and myself that our marriage isn't always going to be a fairy tale. So, many times during this month when we're together we learned the joy that simplicity brings. That as a couple we should enjoy our time away from the camera as much as possible. That we should enjoy our time when we can just be Maxon and America. Rather than Princess America and Prince Maxon.

"True...but still. Which one?" Jo raises an eyebrow.

" Well, I know America likes it when I wear bow ties," I point out.

" Then it's the bow tie," She winks handing it to me then walks into the closet to get my suit jacket, while I begin to tie the bow tie. Also, not only have I learned so much about the country, but also learn so much about the "fashion" of being a prince from none other than Mr.Who himself. We spent close to an hour teaching myself how to tie a bow tie, which was quite an event. But what was also an event this month was the wedding of Mr.Who and Silva. When they were saying there vows to one another they were both in utter tears. Just from the amount of love they have for one another. It was such an amazing thing to see. To see two people so vulnerable to one another, yet trusted one another. If anything they've taught me that America and myself shouldn't be scared to be vulnerable with one another even if we'll always be in the public eye.

" Come in!" I call when someone knocks on the door. I cover my eyes when I see the person walk through the door.

"I'm not supposed to see you until wedding America," I laugh.

"I know, but there were two people who can't attend the wedding, yet wanted to see you," America winks, " Come on in Harper, and June." My jaw drops when I see Harper and June walking hand in hand with smiles on there face. With everything they've gone through they've come out smiling.

"Congratulations," Harper walks over and pats my back, "I'm really happy for you. That you found the happiness that I did."

June rolls her eyes, but fights back a smile, " Are trying to make me puke, Harper?"

"Just saying the truth darling," He winks.

"Anyways..." June fights back a blush, " Congratulation, Maxon. I couldn't think of a better man for the Princess."

"And I couldn't think of a better woman for me," I glance over at America, and she raises an eyebrow, " But if you don't mind me asking how are you two doing?"

"We're doing alright," Harper nods looking over at June, " It started off rough, but we've gotten through it."

" But we owe it to the Princess America," She takes Harper's arm.

"June we've been over this so many times," America smiles shaking her head, " You two deserve happiness and I will do everything in my power to give you that."

"And we'll never able to thank you enough," June wipes her tears that fell on her cheeks.

"You don't have too. With all the work you've done here at the castle for the last three and half years and the loyalty, you've shown to me its something so priceless to me. That me giving you happiness, in which you deserve was the lest I could do," America walks over and hugs June. Within the last month, June and America have become very close. America has done everything in her power to protect both June and Harper. And have succeeded. No one suspects anything, and we can only hope no will until she becomes Queen in the next few years.

"June!" Jo shrieks walking out of the closet with my suit jacket. She throws it and wraps her arms around both America and June. While Harper and I stand there not knowing what to do. Not only has America became close with June, but I've become quite close with Harper. Throughout the selection, I thought he was just a jerk, with a lot of money. When in reality that there is a whole story behind that. That it's just a cover-up from the pain that has transpired in his life. That in reality he is truly a wonderful person who loves the people closest to him and will do anything or everything for them. If it means they're safe.

"As much I would love for this to continue we have to go before anyone suspends you two away from your work," America wipes her tears.

" I'll see you later, Maxon," Harper nods shaking my hand.

I nod as well, "Take care of yourself, and of June of course."

"She always comes first," He smiles taking June's hand trying to pull her away from Jo who still has her arms wrapped around her.

" Come on, Jo let go," June laughs.

Jo lets go and frowns, " I just miss you so much. Work is so much boring without you."

"Wasn't work boring before though?" June points out.

"Yeah....but still."

"Hey, who knows. Maybe I'll be returning soon," June winks as she walks out of the room with Harper.

"See you in a bit," America kisses my cheek then walks out the door behind them.

" Well, was that interesting," Jo laughs.

"Anything with America is interesting," I point out.

" And you're marrying her."

"The best decision of my life." 

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