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" GET DOWN!" I hear a guard yell

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" GET DOWN!" I hear a guard yell.

" What the-" I hear Griffin yell, but I grab his arm a pull him under the table.

" Are you stupid!?" I yell at him. I look in the middle of the room and see a rock. A rock? One of the guards stays near America, while the other goes and looks at the rock. There is a note with it and he begins to read.

" We need to get everyone to safe rooms now. It's not going to be safe more much longer" The guard says.

" Get the suitors to the safe room. I need to make sure everyone else is safe," America stands up.

" Princess America you need to be safe" The guard argue. 

" And so do they. My mind is made up. You are ordered to take the suitors the safe room."America says in a serious tone. She grabs the letter " And get them their fasts," She looks at the note in horror. I few other guards lead us to the safe room, while I see a few follow America. Within the time span of us walking I begin to hear gunshots and glass breaking.

" What's going on?" Griffin says in fear.

" A rebel attack," Harper answers knowingly.

We're about to enter the safe room, till five men dressed in black and step in front of us with guns. My heart drops. This can't be happening. Our guards stop and pull out their guns ready for a fight.

" So, these must be the suitors" I hear one laugh. " I bet Illea would be saddened to hear they were killed." I see him grin.

" Or we could use them as ransom and then kill them," Another says. The guards use this moment to their advantage to shoots two of them. They drop to the floor, and the three other's are furious. One of them grabs Harper. " Since you killed two of our own. Maybe we should kill one your own." He hisses and points the gun at Harper's forehead. Harper's hands go into fists. Harper knocks the gun out his hand with arm and tackles him. The other two rebels are distracted and our guard shoots the other the two. Harper begins to punch the rebel.

" I don't go down without a fight," Harper hisses and lays one more punch. And finally, gets up " Let's get the hell out of here" Harper walks into the safe the room. I wait my turn to get in. I  feel someone grab my jacket collar and pull me down to the ground. I don't even have time to realize what's going on before the guy nails me in the jaws. That knocks me back into reality. I catch one of his fists and nail him in cheek.

" This has to be a joke," I heard Harper. Harper is about to grab him, but the Rebel grabs a knife and he points it at my lower chest.

" I wouldn't even try.I could kill him right now. Take a step back" He hisses. Harper does what he told and takes a step back, then guard walk out also with their guns in hand. " Here is what is going to happen. You are going to go back into your so-called safe room, and I'm going to leave with this suitor" He orders. 

The Photographer (Selection Fanfic) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now