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I wipe the sweat from my hands as I stand up on stage waiting for America to walk down the aisle. America decided not have a bridal party because June, her closest friend couldn't walk down the aisle. Everyone rises when the two doors open. I try to look over the crowd to try to see America, yet fail to see her with the whole crowd blocking America. But within seconds it feels like my heart is ripped from my chest. America is always done up, yet seeing her now it's entirely different. Once America and King Clarkson reach the end of the aisle I make my way down the stairs to America.

"Please be seated," The priest pauses, then asks, "Who gives this woman?"

"I and her mother do, "King Clarkson paints a smile on his face. As fast as I can without drawing attention to my actions, I take America's hand from his. King Clarkson then walks over to Queen Amberly who is in tears. Within the last month, I've come to respect, and love Queen Amberly quite a great deal. She show's such kindness, yet respect to everyone around her. She truly is a Queen of elegance and grace.

America hands her flowers to Silva who is sitting in the front row next to Mr.Who. Who winks at me. Then we walk up the stairs, "You look beautiful, "I whisper.

" Why thank you. You look quite handsome yourself," She squeezes my hand.

"Welcome family and friends. We are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the marriage of Princess America Schreave and Maxon Calix Schreave. This is not the beginning of a new relationship but an acknowledgment of the next chapter of their lives together. Today, they will affirm this bond formally, but also publicly. Yet not only in front of the crowd in this very room but also in front of the whole country. Princess America Singer and Maxon Calix Schreave will mark their transition as a couple not only by celebrating the love between themselves, but by also celebrating the love between all of us – including the love of their parents, siblings, extended family, and best friends. Without that love, today would be far less joyous. Thank you all for being here this afternoon. Princess America Singer and Maxon Calix Schreave today you not only marry the right person, but you also commit to being the right partner, the one with whom the other can stand and face the world. It's finally time to seal your futures," He says with a smile looking at both of us.

"Mr.Singer your vows," He nods.

I shallow letting go of America's hands reaching in my pocket for the piece of paper that holds my vows to America. I unfold it then take one of her hands looking at her, " America Singer your the most extraordinary women I have and will ever meet. You have such bravery and strength, yet such kindness and grace to everyone. Which is what drew me in when we first met. You never thought you were better than anyone, yet that you were equals together. You've brought me such happiness, yet have taught me so much in our time together. I promise to be your happiness in your times of sadness. I promise to be your protection from the evils of this world, but I also promise to you, America Singer," I pause trying to fight back my tears, "You will be the only women I will ever love," I finish then kiss her hand.

"Beautiful vows Mr.Singer," The Priest, " Princess-"

"America is just fine," America interprets causes quite a few people to grasp.

The priest smiles and nods, " Your vows Princess."

America looks up at me and meets my eyes. I squeeze her hand when I feel it trembling due to nervousness, "Walking into the selection I thought I wasn't going to find love. Not that I didn't want to find love, but I thought I'd never find genuine love in the selection. Yet life threw me a curveball and gave me you. Maxon, I was attractive to right away, but not for your look. Even though you are very handsome, but I was attracted to you for your character. My fear was the suitors weren't going to real and honest with me. But right from the beginning of the selection, you showed me your honesty, and to this day continue to-"America's voice cracks. She pauses for a moment trying to regain her composure, " Show me you're honesty. Your honest, yet love for not only me but also for the country is what I rejoice the most in. Is that I'm not only getting a husband who truly loves me but also loves this country. I promise to you that even through all the stress of being the Princes Consort to bring your relief and comfort. And I promise not to be a great wife, but I promise to the be the best wife I can be," America finishes wiping her tears.

The Priest looks into the crowd, "Both of your vows are very moving. Today, we have seen true love from two individuals. Two individuals who will always be in the public eye, yet is a great example of unconditional love," the Priest says looking into the crowd, "America and Maxon at this time will light a unity candle. A symbol to not only the people in this room but the whole country that these two individuals will become one," He then turns around grabbing to candles. He hands them to us, then lights them. He moves aside so we can walk to the table where another candle is. I take America's hand then be begin walking to the table.

"I love you," She whispers.

"As do I love you," I say as we tip our candles to meet the one. Once the candle is lit we blow out our's walking back to where we were standing to before.

The priest walks back in front of us, " The couple will now exchange rings. A symbol of there love from this day forward. A reminder of the commit you made to one another from this day forward. Maxon," He nods handing me the wedding band I picked out for America weeks ago, "Repeat after me, I Maxon Singer,"

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