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Silva walks us into the dining room and asks us to take a seat

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Silva walks us into the dining room and asks us to take a seat. We did it without a question asked, but one of the suitor's starts laughing. Silva catches him within seconds. She narrows her eyes at him.

"Something funny?"She glares at him like he just stole a cookie out of the cookie jar. He instantly stops and shuts his mouth. Silva starts going through the proper meal edict. We're about 48 minutes in. I don't pay much attention because Mom makes sure I do all of these things. Silva doesn't even finish her lesson within the 48 minutes. 

"Gentlemen, we still have a long way to go. We will finish the lesson in the morning. Then, I will give you a tour of the castle, then finally you will eat with the Royals." Silva gives us a smile. It's scary because she looks like a clown with all the makeup she has on. "Your butlers and or Maids will show you to your rooms that you will be staying in for the selection. Goodnight, Gentlemen" With that she walks away.I see Jo and June talking. I walk over but don't interrupt their conversation.

"You're not sticking me with this cleaning. It's your job"June hisses while glaring.

"I ain't-" Jo starts.

"Maxon. I'm sorry. Let us show you to your room"June recovers and leads the way with my stuff in hand. Jo just walks beside me.

"Is she ok?"I ask worriedly about June.

"Is that even a question? June is never ok," Jo chuckles "Physically, yes. Mentally, she is probably fangirling over a fictional boy most of the time," Jo says as we climb the stairs, till we stop at a brown door.

"Well, here's your room," June says nervously.

"See you in the morning, Sir" Jo chuckles at June's reaction. June's smiles and rush away.

"Call me Maxon, please, "I ask

"Night S- Maxon, "Jo said and runs to catch up with June. I walk into the room and I'm in pure awe. It's extremely different from my room back at home. When I say different I mean way nicer and better. With the walls painted white, and a queen size bed covered in white blankets. French doors that lead to a balcony. Even with an enormous closet, but is empty. I turn off the light to the closet. The room also has a massive bathroom fully stocked. I walk back into the room. I throw my stuff on the bed and fall back on the bed. After a while, I get uncomfortable in my dress clothes. I go to my bag I brought from home. I mentally thank May for packing sweats and t-shirts. Willing going through my suitcase I come across a note she wrote.

Go get them. Be yourself. And no matter what, we love you, Max!


I flip the paper, and I smile. It's a picture of our family that has been glued, but only half of my body was in the photo because I was running to get in the photo. I laugh at that memory. I throw on my sweats and an old T-shirt on, then climb into bed. I pull out my camera and click on all the photos I have taken over the years. They go from terrible to good. After about an hour of clicking through I feel my eyes get heavy. That's when I head to bed, and I fell asleep in peace, till I was woken up.

The Photographer (Selection Fanfic) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now