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Mr.Who's Point Of View

4 years ago

I've been working at the castle for eight years now. Just finished making a dress for Princess America. I swear everyone thinks I'm a slave around here. Sure, I'll make them clothes, but doesn't mean I'll do it happily.

"Miroslav?"Someone says sweetly, while I'm planning my next project.

"What?" I say annoyingly.

I hear the person walk closer. I can her there heel clicking against the marble floor as they get closer."Miroslav? What's wrong?" The person touches my shoulder, but this wasn't just a person. This was Silva. We're been dating for about a year and a half. It's been the been the best year and half I have ever lived.

"Nothing,"I answer less annoyed, while doing my work.

"Miroslav,"Silva says in a stern Russian accent she picked up from me.

I turn around " Yes?" I answer.

" You seem upset. You want to take a walk?" Silva asks knowing that will calm me down. I nod and walks over to put on my suit jacket, and rain coat. Then my top hat and finally I grab my umbrella. I see Silva is about to put on her coat. I walk over and help her put on her rose pink coat that I made for her birthday. That fabric cost me a fortune, but it's worth it for her. I hold out my arm for her take and we walk to the garden together. Once our feet hit the ground I put the umbrella to shield us from the rain.

" What's gotten you so upset?" Silva asks. She always wants to talk. Or wants me to show affection. I, in general, don't like being around people, but for Silva, I will. And only Silva.

" Just a lot of work," I kiss her hand I was holding.

" You know there's a ball,"  Silva rubs my arm.

Right when I heard ball I panic. Ball equals a lot of work. " There is a ton of work to be done" I panic

"Miroslav" Silva hisses like my cat "Calm down. I have tons of work to be done also, but I take it one day...-"

I cut her off. I've heard this speech a million times "Don't give me the one day at a time. There is still tons of work to be done"

"I'm the Queen's royal planner. You don't think I don't have tons of work."Silva fires back. We rarely fight, but when we do it over " I don't set time aside" or "I get stressed out".

"I can't help it. My products have to look the best. And if means me being stressed then I will be stressed,"I explain trying to contain my anger.

"You're just always working"

" I can't help it. I have to make everyone clothes. It's a lot of work"

"You know what I'm done. This has been the best year of my life, yet at the same time. The worst year," Silva says and turns around to walk in the cold rain. She's done? With me?! No, I can't lose her. I run over to her and put the umbrella over her, but denies it.


"Don't say my name"She whips around and hisses. I take her hand, but snatches it away.

"Silva, please,"I beg.

"Don't Silva me! How times have you done this to me!" Then I see the damage I have done. I see tears running down her beautiful face, and her bottom lip is quivering. "I always set time aside for you! My break I get once a day I set aside for you. I come to your sewing room and you don't even utter a word to me. You very rarely set time aside for me. It's always me having to do, so" I am in shock at the words she is saying. Silva means the world to me, but here I've been an complete and utter ass. I've let my work come first. Let my work eat me alive. I'm ashamed of what I have done. I've done so much damage to the person I love. I just take her hand one last time. ===And something I've never done. Tears run down my face. I never cried when my whole family left me. They didn't love me. But Silva does. She taught me what love is and show me how to love. And, yet here I am. Damage the person that I love. I am crying fool right in front of her. Silva just stands there and watches. This must have been eating at her for the longest time. She shakes her and, then lets go of my hand. And walks through the rain to go inside away from me. I don't go after her. I just watch her walk away. The women I love walk away from me. I walk inside and into my room. I talk off my raincoat and peel off my suit jacket. I walk over to a corner and sit there. Silva walking away was more painful than watching my whole family walk away.

"Father, I got a job at the castle..."I get cut off.
"Got what?!" My father shouted and hits the back of my head. My father didn't want to me a tailor. He wanted me to be a businessman or a lawyer. "Your a disgrace to this family" I watch him walk away. And an hour later my older brother, my Mom, and Dad are putting their stuff on horses. I don't even fight. I know my fate.

My father walks over to me " Remember you're doing women's work,"He whisper and they riding off

Watching Silva walk away was even more painful because she loved me. I trusted Silva, and still very much do. I take the ring box that was in my pocket. I was planning on asking the big question. I've been planning it for weeks. I just blew everything with Silva. I failed my family. And now the love of my life.

 And now the love of my life

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( Mr.Who and Silva) 

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