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June blush deepens and walks fast out of the room " Good luck!" She says while walking out

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June blush deepens and walks fast out of the room " Good luck!" She says while walking out. I chuckled at her embarrassment. I walk over to the nightstand and see my camera. I haven't touched it in days. That's a first. I click through the photos. A few of my client's photos. And I finally see pictures of my family. There's a lot of May because she got a hold my camera one day and just spammed pictures of herself. But I find a few nice family photos. I hear I knock on the door and someone comes walking in.

" Dude, you coming or what? The report starts in fifteen minutes" Griffin's head pops into my room.

" Yeah, give me second." I turn off my camera. Walk into the bathroom to make sure my hair isn't a mess like it always is. I walk out into the hallway to see Griffin leaning against the wall.

" Finally! Did you have to fix your lipstick?" He jokes as we walk down the stairs.

" You didn't wait longer than a minute Griffin" I correct him.

" So, you're not denying you had to fix your lipstick?" Griffin laughs, while we enter the set. I simply just roll my eyes and follow Griffin to where the other suitors are.

"What's up my people," Griffin says and walks in the middle of the group. Harper glares and moves Griffin out of the way. "Show some respect!" Griffin brushes off imaginary dust.

"Why were you guys late?" Tyler asks while closing his book.

Griffin shrugs " Two reasons" Griffin holds up two fingers "Number one too busy not caring to show on time. And number two Maxon was busy fixing his lipstick"

" You must not have had time fix your's because you still look like a hot mess" Harper hisses at Griffin.

"Well, I know I'm hot," Griffin looks at his nails.

"And you're the only one in this room that thinks this." Harper rolls his eyes.

"Both of you are acting like children," Tyler glares.

"What are you, my parent?  But at least my parents don't pay for everything" Griffin says in an annoyed voice and looks at Griffin.  Harper simply glares and leaves as if he has had enough.

"Get in your place!"Silva yells while clapping her hands.

"Get in your place" Griffin makes fun of Silva.

"Mr.Stone you want to say that again?!" Silva snaps at Griffin.

"Nope, I enjoying living Silva,"

"Ms.Silva," She hisses and walks away.

I walk to my seat which is in the second row and I'm sitting beside Tylers and Aspen. The King, Queen walk in and right in their shadows  America comes walking in. With her bright red hair in a low bun and wearing a purple color dress. She doesn't even bother sparing anyone a look. She must still be mad at me. Once the King, Queen and finally America take their seats. The cameraman yells a countdown and then an action. Gravil comes walking in wearing a navy blue suit and smiling as bright as ever.

The Photographer (Selection Fanfic) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now