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I wake up at 7:00 am

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I wake up at 7:00 am. Which is way earlier than a normal wake up. Mom will surely be surprised. I roll out of bed and get ready for the day. I walk down the stairs to be welcomed with a wonderful smell but then hear gossip coming from the Tv. May is watching some gossip show about the selection. I walk over and kiss the top of her head. I grab the remote from her little hand and change it to come cartoons.

" What!" May turns around and gives me a death glare. I don't give the remote back and walk away, but I hear the gossip channel come back on. She must have manually changed it back. I walk into the kitchen to see my Mom making some eggs and my Dad at the table with some paper and pencil drawing something. I give my Mom a kiss and sit at the dining table with my Dad.

" Morning" Dad says without even looking up from what he is doing.

" Morning" I pull out my camera and start looking through some photos, but Mom puts something in front of my screen. I realize what it is, and cringe. " Do I have to fill it out today?"

" Fill out the form and then I will take you down to where there being turned in and then you can get your picture taken," Mom says.

" Sure, thing dear," I say, while rising from my seat. My Dad chuckles.

" Maxon way do you call women dears?" Dad puts down his paper and has a raised eyebrow.

" I don't know. You call Mom a dear and I just do it now" I shrug. I run up the stairs to my desk and starting filling out the form. It takes me about 30 minutes to complete, till Mom yells up the stairs.

" Maxon!" Mom yells from the bottom of the stairs.

" Yes?" 

" Are you done with the form?" 

" Yes, Ma'am" I yell back grabbing my jacket from my bed.

" Then let's head to the town" I grab the form and put it back into the envelope. I trot down the stairs to see Mom but dressed. She is wearing a nice dress. Her hair is pulled up in a bun and she is wearing makeup are. Am I going my photo taken or is she? I shake my head but don't say anything. I throw on on my coat and walk out the door. We walk to the bus, which as little to no seats. I give Mom the only seat that is open. I'd rather her have a seat than me. I guy is also standing next to me. He is very tall, well-built man with dark hair. He looks very familiar. We both get off at the same stop. The gentleman that was on the bus walks in front of us. I look down at his hand and realize he has a form too. His form wasn't in an envelope so I could read it. The top of form read, "Aspen Leger".Now I remember, he built May's tree house.

" Aspen?" I say and he turns around. He is confused at first, but then he remembers me.

" Maxon, what are you doing here?" He shakes my hand.

" Entering the selection" While in line we both catch up. We finally reach the front of the line, and I'm in shock. It's Princess America. Everyone seems to be in shock. She is helping the photographer, by setting the person up for the photo. Plus, at a computer telling the photographer if the photo is good or not.

" That's Princess America," Aspen says in awe. I don't even answer because I'm so busy watching. The Princess goes over to the gentleman who is getting there picture taken and helps him with his posture. She touches his shoulders and the guy looks like his eyes are about to pop out. It's Aspen's turn he walks over. He takes his seat and smiles.

Princess American looks over at him with a eyebrow raised, " Name?" 

" Aspen," Aspen says with confidence. I'm a bit jealous he gets to talk to her. But within seconds its me turn. I hand the photographer my form, which she hands to Princess America. I sit down waiting to get my photos taken, but the photographer is trying to change the memory card but looks like she is having a lot of trouble. I've done it a million times. I could do it in my sleep.

" You want some help?"  I ask trying to help.

" What would you know?" The photographer hisses.

" Let him try and why don't you try to be a bit more respectful to people' Princess America say with a hint of anger and annoyances. She hands me the camera and within seconds I take the memory card out, and put the new one in. I hand the camera back and sit back down. As I'm getting my photos done Princess America staring at me.

" Thank you for your help..." Princess America seems to be looking for a name.

" Maxon" I saying looking away from the camera for a second to look at her.

" Well, thank you, Maxon. Are you a photographer?" She guesses with a smile.

" Yes, I am"

" Finished," Says the photographer from behind the camera.

I rise from my seat and start to walk away, but I turn around when I see a voice.

" Thank you, Maxon" Princess America smiles. I smile back and wave back.

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The Photographer (Selection Fanfic) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now