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"Up and at em!"I hear Jo walking claps her hands

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"Up and at em!"I hear Jo walking claps her hands. She walks over to the window and opens the blinds. Why is she waking me up so early? It's only six am. I got another hour to sleep.

"Why did you wake me up?"June come strolling in looking ready to kill Jo for waking her up.

" Your Maxon's maid. And the selected had to be up early for some history class today. And since you are Maxon's maid you have to help" Jo explains to June. June sticks out her tongue.

" But Maxon isn't up" an evil grin appeared on June's face. In seconds a pillow is thrown at my face. "Rise and shine!" June yells.

"No need to yell June,"Jo says.

"Like, you never yell,"  June laughs. 

" June I could fire you! I'm your boss" Jo says in shock

"But you wouldn't. I would come back to haunt you," 

I end up laughing and rolling out of bed. It's as if I'm home. May and Gerad always fought. It's almost as if June is May and Jo is Gerad. "You two done fighting?"I ask while chucking.

"She started it!"June points at Jo.

Jo rolls her eyes "Yes we are. I laid out a suit and you have to be in downstairs in thirty minutes" Jo explains while walking to the closet and bring out a gray suit with a white shirt. And in her other hand is a baby blue tie and black dress shoe's

"Hey, June. I saw you talking to Harper last night. What was that about?" I ask.

June's eyes widen and her face turns red "He was...asking where he could get his mail"

"Oh, really?"Jo smirks.

"Yes!"June nervously laughs. "Anyways, have a good day." June speed walks out of the room.

"There is something going on. I must find out. Good luck Maxon!"Jo runs out after June.

I take a quick shower and throw on the suit Jo picked out. I go to fix my hair or try to fix my hair. I try to gel it back how Jo gelled it back for the report. After five minutes of trying I give up and just brush it back. Knowing in an hour it will go back to its normal mess. I walk down the stairs to the suitor room. To find Griffin and Harper fighting.

"Dude! You cheated." Griffin throws his cards. 

"No, I'm just really good at poker," Harper raises an eyebrow and takes the money from the middle.

"My mom is going to be so mad. I just lost all money she sent me," Griffin gets up and walks to the couch.

"So, you really are a child"Harper laughs. Griffin and Harper fight a little bit more, till Griffin grabs some items and starts juggling. There are about ten minutes, till the class starts.

"No way!"Griffin shouts and the things Griffin was juggling go flying. He runs to the window. "Aspen scored a date! No fair!" Griffin shouts at the window. I speed walk over and look out the window to see Griffin is right. America and Aspen are walking back from the horse stables laughing. Looking like a happy couple. After that date with Aspen has she forgotten about me? But I push away those thoughts away. This is the selection she is going to go on other dates. I mentally slap myself. 

The Photographer (Selection Fanfic) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now