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5 years later-

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5 years later-

"Benjamin Calix Singer! You do not kick a soccer ball at your sister," I run over helping Zoe up.

"It's not like I wanted to," Benjamin shrugs.

" I don't care if you wanted to or not. Apologize to your sister," I raise an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry," He raises his eyes also. Reminding of America's sass.

" You have two choices. Say your sorry and mean it, or you'll being sitting next to me while I do my work, and you can watch you sister play," I sternly say.

He sighs defeated, " Fine, I'm sorry Zoe."

"It's okay," She smiles and runs to giving Ben a hug, but Ben steps away.

" Ben," I say. He cringes and wraps his arms around her.

"Even though you kicks me with a soccer ball you're still the best big brother," Zoe hugs him and kiss his cheek. Ben pats the top of her head, and kicks the soccer ball to her. They go back to kicking the ball back and forth like they were before. I head back to my table to do my work, but outside so I can keep an eye on them. I begin reading over the plans to dissolve the lower caste. America is currently in a meeting about dissolving the lower caste's. Ever since America became queen her number one goal was to remove the castes, but becoming queen had to be one of the hardest moments in our marriage. Our wedding day was filled with such happiness, yet sadness. With the death of King Clarkson and Queen Amerebly America inherited the crown and took the role of queen quite seriouly. We ended up pushing our honeymood back two weeks so America could revolve a lot of the issue that occurred after her parent death. America overall wasn't saddened by her Father's dead. Sure, she felt some sadness, yet she felt a weight lifted off her shoulders. But even after everything he did she still at times misses him. The person who brought the most saddness after their death was Queen Amberly. America wouldn't stop crying for days after finding out about her mother's death. Queen Amber was what got her through all her hardships as a child and as a teenager. Even though she has no idea what King Clarkson was doing to America, her happiness and joy uplifted her spirtis.

I feel someone wrap their arms around me, and kiss my cheek, " How are the reports going?"

I smile realizing it's America, " Alright, but how was your meeting?"

She laughs rounding my chair and sitting down on my lap, " Great other than the fact I pretty much had to end a fight every 5 minutes."

" So, your meeting went like normal. But how are you feeling?," I put my hand on her stomach.

"Feeling better. Had a bit of morning sickness this morning, but it's passed," America shrugs looking over at the kids. We found out America was pregnant about a 2 months ago, and we're waiting a bit of time to tell the country. Right, when I found out I insisted America slowed down with her work, but she denied my request. Explaining how a King wouldn't have to slow down, and she wouldn't either. I knew that there was no point in trying to change her opinion because just hearing her tone I knew she was firm on this.

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