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   "I Maxon Singer," I repeat

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   "I Maxon Singer," I repeat.

"Take you to be my wife."

"Take you to be my wife," when the word 'wife' leaves my lips I can't help, but smile like the idiot I know I am.

"To have and to hold this day forward."

" To have and to hold this day forward."

"For better or for worse."

"For better or for worse," I say not realizing that these very words would be tested on this very day.

"For richer, for poorer."

"For richer, for poorer."

"For sickness, and in health."

"For sickness, and in health."

"To love, and to cherish."

"To love, and to cherish," I say wiping way America tears on the cheek.

"From this day forward until, death do us part."

"From this day forward until," I pause for a moment looking down at her hand overwhelmed with happiness I'm feeling, "death do us part," I meet her jubilant blue eyes then slip the gold band on her finger.

The priest grabs the wedding band America chose weeks ago. Realizing that our bands will match, "Repeat after me America, I America Schreave."

" I America Schreave," She says with such happiness in her voice.

"Take you to be my husband."

" Take you to be my husband," She smiles as I've never seen her smile before. With tears in her eyes, yet with a smile that reaches those ocean blue eyes.

"To have and to hold this day forward."

"To have and to hold this day forward."

" For better or worse."

" For better or worse," She squeezes my hand.

"For richer, for poor."

"For richer, for poor."

"In sickness and in health."

"In sickness and in health."

" To love and to cherish."

" To love and to cherish," She sniffles.

"From this day forward until death do us part."

"From this day forward until death do us part," America says then slips the ring on my finger.

" With the power invested in me! I now pronounce you husband and wife," He pauses knowing full well he torturing us. He laughs as does the crowd, " Maxon," He says slowly causing the crowd even more laughter, " You may..." He trails off, but then America leans forwards and kisses me.

" Well, America you may kiss your groom," He laughs. I put a hand on her cheek, and one hand on her back. Then dip her. Within which the crowd erupts into cheers. I plant her back on her feet then taking her hand we run down the stairs together.


"Will you tell me alright where we're going?" America begs resting her head on my shoulder.

" Well, it's somewhere I know you love to visit. And somewhere I've never visited," I smile. Right now we're on the dance floor for our first dance as husband and wife.

" Are we going to Europe?" She whispers excitedly.

" You are very right my Princess."

" But where in Europe?"

" That I cannot tell you," I shake my head.

"You're going to keep information from the princess, and your future queen. But importantly, your wife. Do you think that's a good idea, my prince?" She raises an eyebrow.

" Yes, with patience comes great things Mrs.Singer," I kiss her cheek.

" Yeah, yeah," She laughs rolling her eyes, " But I still wanna know."

" But patience," I laugh at her response.

" But curiosity," She fires back right away.

I raise an eyebrow leading her back to our table at the end of our dance, " We may or may not be going to Rome," I say knowing full well how much America's loves Rome.

" Your kidding," She squeals. I'm about to respond when Griffin and Tyler come walking over to our table.

" Dude, do you remember when Silva asked us a bunch of questions during the selection, and Tyler won?" Griffin puts his hands on the table in a serious matter like he wants to settle the argument between them.

" Yes? Why?" I take a sip of water quite confused where this is going.

" I'll be right back. I need to throw the bouquet, then we can leave," America whispers. I nod watching America walking away to the middle of the dance floor.

" Tyler says I didn't even have a chance in winning. Do you think that's true."

" Why does this matter? Right now. At America's and I's wedding?" I question trying not to laugh.

" Because it does. Answer the question Mr.Prince."

"Give it up Stone. You did-" Tyler begins, but then is cut off when people come crashing through the window of the reception area.

" Get down!" Guards yell. Without even thinking I run over to America then push her to ground, then resting myself on top of her. Trying my best to protect her. The rest of the night was such a daze. All that was on my mind was protecting America. Not knowing the two most important people in the country would no longer be around.


Hey Guy,

Just wanted to give credit where credit is. So, when writing the wedding scene I wanted to make sure when my readers read that scene that is felt and read like a real wedding. So, I used the website- Some of the things the Priest says are from this website. But America and Maxon own vows is my own writing. I just wanted to let my reader know I used this website because if you ever wanted to use it. If you ever find yourself writing a wedding scene. But also I wanted to give credit where credit is due! 

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