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As I look in the mirror making sure I look my best and realize I've never been so nervous in my life

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As I look in the mirror making sure I look my best and realize I've never been so nervous in my life. I haven't spoken to Silva in years. I've tried to work the guts up to talk to her for years, but whenever I've ever walked up to her my confident plummets. My thoughts always go back to the way I hurt her. How I only cared about me, but this time I'm not going mess up. After I'm happy with the way I look I grab my top hat and walk to Silva's bedroom. I knock softly and wait patiently. Within less than a minute Silva opens the door, and I'm lost for words. She is dressed like she was four years ago...on our first date. She is wearing a deep red two-piece dress and her hair in a low bun. Seeing this sends me down memory lane.

Four years ago~

For weeks I've been trying to work up to guts to ask Silva out, but always fail too. We've been friends for about a year, but I want to be than just friends. So, much more. But does Silva? I shake my head. I can't be thinking about her when I have so much work to get done. I begin to get back to work on Princess America's dress for the report tomorrow, but about halfway through there is knock on my door.

"Come in," I call, while hand sewing jewels to bust of Princess America's dress. I look up to see who is and poke myself with my hand sewing needle," S-s-ilva," I stutter.

"Miroslav," Silva smiles walking in, "I was just wondering if you'd have Princess American's dress done for tomorrow. Queen Amberly sent me to make sure," She asks sitting down across from me.

"Of course it will be ready," I nod going back to my hand sewing trying to calm myself down.

"Oh okay," She sighs, "Thanks, Miroslav," Silva makes her way to the door. It was as if she was sad I didn't add more. If it wasn't for her sigh I would have kept quiet.

"Um...Silva, I have a question," I rub the back of neck smiling.

"Yes?" She turns around. I set Princess American's dress down, and walk over to her. She raises an eyebrow curiously.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight?" I ask proud of myself. I actually asked her! Without stuttering like a fool. 

"I'd love that," She walks closes to me and wraps her arms around my waist. My eyes go wide. No one has hugged me in years. I lips break into a lip and I wrap my arms around her.

"Miroslav?" Silva says bring me back to reality.

"You look beautiful," I breath.

"Thanks," She blushes, " You cleaned up nice as well." I grin and hold out my arm for her to take. Right, when she takes my arms everything in the world is right. We walk down the stairs and outside to my car. I open the door for her helping her inside. Once she's inside I make my way over to my side and turn on the car. During the car ride, I'm tongue-tied. I've been dreaming about this for years, and it's really happening. I never imagine that Silva would say yes last night But like always Silva surprised me.

"Miroslav? Are you okay?" Silva asks taking my hand. My heart practically jumps out my chest.

" Of course," I nod, "Just a little nervous, but happy."

"I'm nervous too," She answers honestly.

" Why?" I glance at her for a second but look back at the road.

"Miroslav. I haven't been on a date since..." She trails off, "us. You were the first and the last," She squeezes my hand. Instead of answering like a normal person. My nerves get the best of me and I begin whispering Russian, "Miroslav? Are you sure your okay? Because your whisper Russian right now," Silva asks concerned.

" Again, I'm okay. You just make me feel things that I haven't felt in so long. Not since we were together," I smile excitedly.

"Miroslav..." She signs, "I feel the same. It feels just like old time, but we need to talk. Things can't go back how they used to be because we both ended up getting hurt in the end."

"And that's why I'm here. To talk." I say, while putting up to our old time favorite restaurant.

" I'm glad you're here to talk. I couldn't ask any more of you," Silva says as I get out of the car. I walk over to her side and hold a hand out for her to take.

"Well, I'll always be here," I grin leading her inside. I open the door her for, and walk up to the receptionist, "Reservation for Miroslav Who." The receptionist nods and leads us to our table.

"Enjoy," She smiles pulling our menus on the table, and walks away. I pull out Silva's chair for her and push in her chair. I walk over to my seat and take the napkin putting it on lap. We don't even pick up our menus because we already know what we want. Instead, we look into each other's eyes. Daring the other person to say the first word.

"I'm sorry," Silva says, and my eyes widen surprised.

" Sorry? For what?" I reach across the table and take her hand.

"Sorry that I just left you. I should I have talked to you first. Tried to fix things. Not just let it bottle up, and not try to work it out. I'm sorry for being upset all these years," She meets my eyes, and she has tears in her eyes.

" Silva," I say lost for words, " We both made mistakes, but we can learn from those mistakes," I begin, but pause thinking for a moment, " I'm sorry too. I should have set time for you. I shouldn't have put my work above you because...," I sign ashamed, "It's just work. I just hope you can give me another chance," I explain with hope.

She grins, "Of course we can have another chance."

Dinner was great. It felt like old time. Like, there had never been bad feeling between us. As if we never broke up. It felt great after all these year just to be: Silva and Miroslav. After I pay for dinner I lead us outside, and over to a park. I take us to the path we used to walk all the time. I take her hand and walk with her in a peaceful quiet. I look over at her, and she meets my eyes. I feel something in the pit of my stomach that I haven't felt in years: happiness. Silva makes me happy. Makes me want to be a better man. I do something that even surprises me. I wrap an arm around her waist and slightly dip her. Without even thinking I meet my lips with her's. It's been years since I've kissed Silva, and I've forgotten the butterflies I get every time I kiss her. I pull back and rest my forehead against her and look into her eyes, and knew I loved this girl. And would always love her with all of my being. 

( Mr

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( Mr.Who and Silva on their date) 

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