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"If only my mom could make pancakes like this," Griffin says while eating

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"If only my mom could make pancakes like this," Griffin says while eating.

" So, you're saying your mom is a bad cook?" Harper raises an eyebrow.

" What?! Nev-" Griffin begins, but gets cut off when the dining room doors are swung open, and Silva comes walking in.

" Have some exciting news!" She says cheerfully.

" But did you have to cut me off?" Griffin whispers.

" Gentleman, the last few days Princess American has been working very hard to make this all happen, and keep this a secret from all the selected."

" What is it?" Griffin blurts out.

" Shut up. Your going to get her mad," Tyler whispers hitting him with his book.

" As I was saying," She glares at Griffin," Princess American has worked very hard to make this happen. Princess American has called each one of your families within the last few days. And today you will be getting to see them," Silva smiles. I feel my heart stop. I haven't seen my family in months. They couldn't come to the family ball because of work. And now I'm really going to get see them? My lips break into a big smile.

" Your families will be here in about an hour or so," Silva explains and walks out of the dining room.

" You better get ready," Mr.Who say smiling. Smiling? Mr.Who never smiles, " I have new suits ready for everyone," He walks over to a rack full of suits, and begins handing them out, " You might as well look you best when seeing your families."


I stand outside tapping my foot and playing my suit jacket sleeves waiting for my family. It's been close to two months since I've seen them. Ever since the family ball I've had an ache in my heart to see them. I don't feel whole without them. I miss seeing May every morning planted in front of the TV watching something about the Royals. I miss seeing a sleepy Gerad walking into the kitchen every morning. I miss talking to my mom every morning before heading to work, but most of all...I miss my dad. I miss his smile. I miss hearing the wisdom he has to offer. I miss seeing him walking back inside from the garbage covered in paint at the end of the day.

"Harper!" I see a little girl come running to Harper.

"London," Harper smiles and picks her up twirling her. " Miss me?"

" No, I haven't," She rolls her eyes, " Of course I have! It's been so boring without you." Harper chuckles and walks inside looking the happiness I've ever seen him. I hear someone shouting my name I look over my shoulder and see May running. I break into a smile and do what I'm not supposed to do. I run to go see them. I was supposed to wait for them to come to me, but right when I saw May I forgot about everything. All I could think about was my family, and how much I missed them. Once I reached May I picked her up and hugging her close.

" I missed you too," She giggles hugging me back.

"Don't I get a hug?" I see my mom walking over to us. I put May down, and my mom crushing me with a hug, " I've missed you so much." Her voice breaks.

"Mom, don't cry over me," I say smiling so hard it hurts.

She wipes her tears, "It's just so good to see you," She kisses my cheek, and let go of me. I look over to my right, and Gerad looking off into the distance with his arm crosses.

" Gerad? You okay?" I ask walking over to him. He nods bored. Of course, Gerad would find the palace boring. I give him a quick hug, and find my dad patiently waiting, "Long time no see," I laugh walking over to him and envelope him in a hug.

"We've missed you, Max. The house hasn't been the same," He pats my back. I'm about to say something, but America comes walking outside.

" I'm so happy everyone was able to come today. This allowed me to get to know the families of the suitors even more, but also allows the suitors to see their family after months of not seeing them," She meets my eyes, " For the first few hours you'll be allowed to spend some time with each other. Then we'll split. Gentleman will go with my Father, and ladies will go with me and my mother. Enjoy." She smiles and walks back inside.

"Seems like the selection has been treating you right," My dad smiles.

" I mean I've enjoyed it, but I've missed you, guys, a lot." 

"As have we," My mom smiles and kisses my cheek again.


One of the best afternoons I've had in awhile. Don't get me wrong I love spending time with the selected, but I love my family way more. It was nice to finally catch up with my family and find out what's going on at home. Here I thought nothing has changed at home, but in reality, a few things have changed. Well, for one May has been doing her homework willingly for last few weeks. Plus, with all the checks coming in from the selection we've had a bit of extra money, and Dad fixed up the kitchen for Mom. We could have talked the day away, but we end up getting cut off when Silva tells us it's time to split. I hug both my mother and May. As there walking up the stairs to meet everyone else. America comes walking outside, and May looks like she about to die.

"It pleasure to meet all of you ladies. Please come inside," She waves everyone inside. As she letting everyone inside her eyes search for something until she meets my eyes. She stares into my eyes and winks. Without saying anything or doing anything else she walks inside. I stand there in shock for a moment wondering if she winked at me or someone else. But of course my dad saying something.

"Looks like Princess likes you," He chuckles, "I remember when your mom first winked at me. I had the same reaction."

"Mom winked at you?" I ask surprised.

"The mom you know today isn't quite the same young lady I once knew. Your mom once was...well. When I met your mother I was very shy and thought I had no chance with her. So, I never really talked to her. But your Mother had her eyes not me and got sick of me not asking her out. She walked right up to me and asked me out," He chuckles. 

"She didn't?" I laugh.

"Oh she did," He nods laughing as well, "I was in total shock when she asked. It took me a few moments to realize what she asked, but I said yes. And the rest is history. Right from the start me and your mother clicked. Our relationship wasn't forced at all," He sighs, " If you don't mind me asking. Is your relationship with Princess American forced?"

" N-not all," I stutter.

"Does she make you happy?" He fires without waiting a second. 

"Very," I nod.

"That's all I could ever want for my children. Is that there happy, and healthy," He pats my back. I'm about to respond, but King Clarkson walks outside, and I know that means trouble. 

Hope you enjoyed! Double update this week because I'm at camp all next week, and won't be able to update in time an update is due. So, I hit you guys with an early update.

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