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Currently, 8:50 pm and I'm packing for the selection because the guards are picking us up tomorrow morning

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Currently, 8:50 pm and I'm packing for the selection because the guards are picking us up tomorrow morning. To say I'm not nervous is like saying I hate photography. I'm pretty nervous. I'm just some five that likes taking photos. I mean seriously, why would Princess America ever like me? There are a bunch of other higher caste gentlemen in the selection. That have greater chances than me. 

" You need help don't you?"May walks into my bed room. I nod, and she gets to work. May starts throwing stuff in my suitcase, " You don't need this," May takes my camera on my bed.

"Of course I do," I roll my eyes, and put it back in my suitcase. 

" If you bring your camera all you will do is take photos. You need focus on Princess America," May puts a few more things and zips it shut. " There all done," She winks and walks out. I'm about to get ready for bed, but someone knocks on the door.

" Come in," I call.

Mom walks in, smiling, "I just came to say goodnight," She kisses my forehead, "Also, I wanted to let you know. Whatever happens Maxon I love you very much," She gives me one last hug and walks out of my bedroom. I stand there for a minute lost in my thoughts. What is going to happen? How far will I make it in the selection? As I try to fall I sleep all I can think about is the selection. What does the future hold?

" Maxon Calix Singer!" I wake up to "happy" looking May. Who was hitting me with the newspaper

" I'm up," I laugh while covering my head.

" You better be," She hits me one more time and then leaves. I roll out of bed and begin to get ready for the day. I grab my nicest dress pants and dress shirt. After getting ready I grab my bag but make sure my camera is still in there. Just to be sure May didn't pull one of her stunts. I walk down the stairs to be welcomed with a screaming May and Gerad

" Give me the remote!" May jumps onto Gerad and hits him. Gerad pushes her off and hands her to the remote.

"You and your Tv," He rolls his eye and walks into the kitchen. They act perfectly when there are other people around, but at home, it's like a war is going to break out.

" Never mess with my Tv," May says and jumps on the couch. Gerad had to learn it the hard way. I remember I took the remote one time just to check the time and May glared at me like I killed a puppy. I follow Gerad into the kitchen. 

" What's up champ?" I pick him up and put him the counter. To clean up his face.

" May hit me," He mutters

" Well, I will deal with her, but never steal the remote from her." I finish cleaning his face. " May!" I call her. I wait about a minute, but she doesn't come. I walk into the living room and I see she has built a wall of pillows the cover herself.

The Photographer (Selection Fanfic) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now