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**Warning America will be talking about her abuse

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**Warning America will be talking about her abuse. Plus, her story is a little different from Maxon's in the selection. I wanted them to be a little different because their different people**

 " It all begin around when I was 12," American breathes, "I've never been the person to back down even at a young age. My dad always made sure I was always in classes. Learning about the history of the country, always learning about the science of policies, and always making sure I was on top of all the languages I was learning," She sighs rubbing her face, " I walked into his office without knocking. That got his really upset, but what got him, even more, upset was when I started asking him questions about the castes. It was like that for about a year. I never knew when just to be quiet. But I would ask questions about how the country was being run, and he got so angry. He would erupt in anger. He would scream so loud, and throw things. Once I saw his rage I ran so fast back to my room and would asleep in tears. Even after the first time it never stopped my questions. That only made him angry, and angry. But one night it all changed," She begins to tears up.

"America-" I begin.

"Just let me finish," She begs, "Without being interrupted." I nod and allow her to explain.

"I was about 14 I think," Her eyebrow knit together," And I was in my room working on homework. Halfway done with my homework there was a loud bang on my door. My heart dropped and I walked over to my door. When I opened my door my dad looked anger than I've ever seen him."

"You went to the advisors asking about the castes!" Dad yells slamming the door. My eyes widen as I walked backwards in fear. 

"I-I-I-I w-w-as just c-curious," I stutter in fear.

"I've had enough!" He yells grabbing my arm dragging me down the hallway.

"I remember that night like it was yesterday. The worst most fearful and painful night of my life. Over the years I've learned to get around it. To be quieter and to make sure every piece of work I submit is perfect so I don't stuffer my dad's abuse," She explains rubbing her forehead. I take her hand trying to offer some support, " He's always tried to make me like my mother. I love my mother. I really do. She is one of the nicest, sweetest person I've ever met, but she avoids any type of conflict. My father wanted me to be like her. Wanted me just be quiet and smile," I kiss her hand.

"Well, I'm glad your own person, and you didn't let your father change you,"I trail off, " American...I can't act like I understand what you've gone through because I can't. The things I've gone through don't come close to what you've gone through, but I'll always be here to listen, and help in any way I can," I say hopefully.

" And I couldn't ask for any more from you," She smiles and leads in.

"Are you sure," I say against her lips.

" Of course," She leads her forehead against mine, and mets my eyes, "No one has ever wanted to listen. Your the first person who has actually just listened.," She rolls her eyes, "But thank you for listening, and caring."

"You're more than welcome," I grin meeting her lips. I take he face into my hand and kissing her with everything I have. Showing her how much I love her. Hoping she understands that I would do anything for her. How much I love her.

"But do have one question," She puts away, "You said something about what you've been through. If you don't mind me asking what have you been through?" I ask resting her head on my shoulder.

I sign," Life as a five is never easy America."

"How so?" She lifts her head concerned.

"I mean its nothing to be worried about," I rub her back.

"How?" She says wanting an answer.

"Well, sometimes it can get hard to pay for the bills but since I've been worrying its gotten easier," I begin to explain.

"When you weren't working what was it like?"

"Often times in the winter we would go without heat. And in the summertime, the house often gets hot because air conditioning is too expensive. Plus, sometimes it would get even hard to play for food..." I trail off.

"Maxon..." Her voice breaks.

"But its better now," I say quickly, "Ever since working everything has gotten better. Plus, since the checks from the selection, they've helped so much. I can't thank you enough," I wrap my arms around her.

She grins wrapping her arms around my neck, " Your more than welcome. I'm just so glad you made it through those bad times, and your family is okay," She lays down on the bed taking me down with her, " I got talking to your Mom and sister today," She laughs.

"You did?" I raise an eyebrow.

She nods," Your mom is so sweet, and your sister is too cute. May wouldn't stop talking about you. She loves you a lot."

"What did she talk about?" I ask curiously.

"She talked a lot about much she misses you. She said the house isn't the same without you," America explains.

I sigh, "I've missed them so much. And I wanted to thank you for setting this whole thing up."

"You were the main reason I set it up," I raise an eyebrow looking for more of an explanation," I saw how much you missed your family. And they didn't come to the family ball. I felt terrible and had to something. I called your parents right away to see what days they had open," She yawns leaning back taking me back with her.


" Can you just sleep here for tonight, please," She begs.

I sigh, "Of course, and thank you" I kiss her forehead.

"Good night Maxon," She whispers with a blush.

"Good night, American," I fall asleep that night with a smile that hurts. 

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