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We walk into the ballroom hand in hand to see quite a few people alright there. We see two people who we've been friends with ever since the selection.

"Harper and June," America smiles hugging June.

" America," June hugs America back.

" Harper," I hold my hand out in which he shakes.

"So, when's the wedding?" America asking. Looking back years ago so much has changed for them. Once America became Queen one of the first things she did we free Harper and June. America rewarded Harper his original caste but also changed June's caste to Harper's. But not only that but America made a speech about the two of them. About there bravery, and love for one another. How there love was so strong that even the pain the went through they were still a solid rock. June ended up moving out of the castle, and into Harper's house with his little sister who loves June to death. It took Harper quite a while to get down on one knee. He often expressed to me that he was nervous that he'd run out as his mother did. Scared that if anything bad happened he'd run out on her. But with some encouragement and wisdom, he finally asked June, in which she said yes even before he could get five words out.

" June!" Jo comes running wrapping her arms around June. Jo still is a maid at the castle, yet is the head maid. A few years ago Morgan left the castle to get married and to start a life with her husband. Right away America asked if she wanted to be a head maid, and Jo took the opportunity right away, and has loved it.

" Hi, Jo," June laughs.

" Let me see the ring," Jo grabs June's hand, " It's beautiful!"


"Have you guys seen London?" Harper says realizing his little sister isn't by his side.

"She's over there talking to someone," America points over to Prince Alexander of France who is 14, a year older than London.

" I don't think so," Harper shakes his head and makes his way over to London.

"I better go," June rolls her eyes and follows Harper.

"There something else," Jo laughs walking away.

America and I make our way way through the crowd, and end up running into pretty much the whole elite.

"Maxon!" Griffin smiles excitingly as he did years ago. Standing next to him is his wife, Joy. Yes, Joy. When I found out years ago they were dating I was in shock. Years ago Joy made it very clear that she found Griffin quite childish, and annoying. But somehow they ended up together and are going to be celebrating four years of marriage in a few weeks.

" Joy she's beautiful," America smiles at the baby in Joy's hand, " How old is she?"

"Belle is 3 months," Joy smiles.

"She's got my looks," Griffin nods.

"She does not," Joy laughs rolling her eyes.

" I'd have to agreed with Joy on this one," Tyler laughs nodding holding out his arm for his wife, Diana.

"Well, if Belle didn't get my looks then Ellen did," Griffin says confidently.

"I'd also have to disagree with that statement," Aspen shakes his head with his arm around his wife, Linda who is holding there newborn baby in her arms.

" Wow, I'm so surprised," Griffin raises an eyebrow.

"In Griffin's defense Ellen clearly did get her sense of humor from Griffin," America points out.

"But not his looks," Tyler says earning a look from Diana. And if anyone knows that look I do. I got that look for the first time about a week after our honeymoon when I thought it was a good idea not to listen to what America was saying. Let's just say it didn't end with America kissing me.

" But it seems to me so far Belle has Griffin brown eyes," Joy points out.

" See my kids got something from me!"

"But were they good thing?" Harper says walking into the conversation with a champagne glass in hand. I instantly remember where much champagne landed him during the selection.

"Harper," Griffin smiles and hugs Harper. Oh, yeah forgot to mention that after selection Griffin and Harper settled their differences and have become quite good friends over the years.

The rest of the night is filled with such joy and happiness. Throughout the night I remember so many memories from the selection. I remember America and I's first kiss. How scared and nervous I was to kiss her. Or the time I first walked into the castle thinking that I'd never want to live here, and now I've lived here for close to fives years. Or I'm brought back to the memory of America's and I's wedding. That in less than a few months we'll be celebrating our 6th year of marriage. 6 years that have brought such happiness that I never thought could be a reality. But over the years I've learned that it's the little things that have brought me such happiness. Like, after everyday America and myself will always take a walk in the garden, and sit on the same bench we did during the selection. Or holding Ben for the first time. Hearing his breath when sleeping. Or holding my little girl for the first, and seeing her open her eyes to reveal her mother's blue eyes. The little things are what has brought so much happiness in my life, and will continue to bring such happiness in my life. For better or force America will always be the source of that happiness. Knowing that I have 2 soon to be 3 children, and a wife is more than I've ever asked for in life. And to think America was the source of all that happiness. 

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