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Mr.Who's Point Of View

Current Day

"Finally,"I say in a Russian accent. Whenever I'm by myself I always speak with my thick Russian accent. I set my shears down and crack my knuckles. After two nights of working. I'm finally done with all the selected costumes. Some of them I didn't like or other's I thought were plain foolish. I polish them by snipping threads and pressing them. The maids and butlers come into my sewing room, but without knocking.

"May I have Sir Griffin's costume?"Jennifer asks. I know all of maids and butlers not only because I've known them for the longest time, but out of a sign of respect to them. They have names and should be respected.

I point over to Griffin foolish costume.

"Thanks, Mr.Who" Jennifer  smiles

"Anytime, Jennifer," I nod. After about an hour all the costumes were taken to the selected for them to get ready. I walk to my bedroom. Which is nothing special. I don't need much to be happy. One of the things Silva taught me. She never needed much to be happy, but she did need me. And I failed her. I let work eat me alive. My hands go into fists. I walk over to desk drawer where Silva's wedding ring has been for years. I open the drawer and see the black box. I open the box and see the beautiful ring. I had it custom made for Silva because I've never met someone like her and never will again. I paid the ring off about a year ago. Even though she may be done with our relationship, but I'm not. I haven't given up on her. And my love for her never go away, but it has only grown. I close the box and put it back in the draw, then close it. I walk to my closet to all my suits. For the party, I can't wear a suit because it does not costume. So, I put together black dress pants with a white collar shirt. Then a black bow tie. And the closest things to a suit jacket was a cape. I put on my black cape that took for forever to make and then I put on a white mask. And to top it off,  a black top hat. I look in the mirror and I look like the Phantom Of The Opera. After seeing the play so many times I realize the pain he felt when watching the love of his life walk away. It's the same pain I felt watching Silva walk away. But unlike the Phantom. I have hope. I walk out to the party and it looks amazing. The Queen did a wonderful job with the decor. I walk over the punch and try some. Which taste terrible. I wipe the side of my mouth. The idiots or what most people call the selected are at the other end acting like there at recess. I look over at Maxon and see that he is fisting the tablecloth.

" Please don't ruin the tablecloth. That is expensive fabric and took a lot of time to hem" I hiss. His eyes widen and he flats the tablecloth. I'm about to snap at his again, but I see Silva walk past in her peacock costume. I took a great deal of time on her gown to make sure it looked amazing. To make sure she looked amazing. I watch as she walks away. I knew I should have just stayed put, but I didn't. Silva wouldn't know it would be me because of my mask. I follow her to the other side of the party. She ends up standing next to the dance floor waiting for someone to dance with her. Right, before someone swoops in and wants to dance with her. I walk over to her.

" My lady," I bow. " May I have this dance"  please don't realize it's me. I thought. 

Silva smiles. A smile I haven't seen in years," You may" She holds out her hand. I feel my heart beat quicken. Her last words to me were pretty much. Leave me alone. And now she wants to dance with me. Miroslav, she doesn't realize it's you. Once she does Silva is going to knock you into next week. I thought, but I still lead her to the dance floor. I put my hand around her waist and take her other hand. She puts her hand on my shoulder. And I lead the dance, at first it just pure silence. Just us looking into each other's eyes. 

" So, tell me your name mystery guy," Silva playfully says.

I chuckle and twirl her " That's for me to know" 

" And for me to find out?" She smiles. After all these years I feel happy for a second, but I know in my heart this won't last long. Silva hates my guts. I would hate my guts if I was her too. She has every right to, but I won't give up on us. Or on her.

" I'll think about it" I wink. I twirling her again, and dip her. I almost kiss her, almost. But I don't. That wouldn't be respectful to Silva at all. I bring her back up, but closer to my chest. She ends up laying her head on shoulder. Just the old times. I thought. The song ends far too quickly for my taste.

Silva curtsies " Thank for the dance..." She trails off.

I bow and look at the ground, " Miroslav" I look up.

Silva's eyes widen. " M-Miroslav" She stutters. " Those eyes, I should have known" 

I feel myself smile. " Silva, please give me another chance. I feel like an utter idiot right now. But for you, I don't care. I beg you. Give me another chance" I say quietly so no one, but Silva can hear the weakness in my voice. Silva doesn't answer right away. Just stares into my eyes, till she leans in and whispers in my ear. 

" Let me think about," She walks away. I stand there for a second like a fool, but a hopeful fool. I walk inside with a bright smile. 

I may just get another chance.

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(Hint for the next Silva and Miroslav chapter ;D) 

(Pretty much me when Silva and Miroslav were dancing, and could have kissed

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(Pretty much me when Silva and Miroslav were dancing, and could have kissed.) 

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