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Hey Guys,

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Hey Guys,

I just really wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart, thank you for all your support. If it wasn't for my readers there's no way I would have EVER gotten to the end of this book. You guys always have pushed me to not only write but be a better writer. To think outside to box. To write more, and even wanted to give you guys a double update at times. I can't even thank you for the amount of support I've gotten. Just seeing a comment that you've enjoyed the chapter makes my heart sore, and makes me want to write. You guy are just the best readers an author could EVER ask for.

There is one individual I truly want to thank for their endless support, who is also the main reason why this book got to where it is, and that's Be_crazy25. She's always listened to when I've ranted about this book even when I've gotten VERY annoying. She's even given me such AMAZING ideas for this book! She's always has commented, and given advice which in the end has immensely helped this book to be what it is today. She's even made the cover for this book!  I can't thank you enough for the endless love and support you've shown for not only this book but also the other side books I have in the works. So, if you're not following her my question is, Why not?! Her books are amazing, and she is a funny, amazing person.

Love you all,


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