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" So, a selection

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" So, a selection. If this is true you entering Maxon" My Mom says.

I think my nightmare just became real.

" How do you know she is having her selection?" I ask quickly.

" She said today on some new channel she has some very exciting new. And anyone would know that she is talking about the selection" May says in a duh tone. Only May would think that because the Princess has some news she would think it was the selection. Maybe the war is ending.

" Are you..." I get cut off right when those words uttered out of my mouth.

" Maxon Singer you are entering," Mom says in a stern voice. Not wanting to argue or disappoint Mom I agree.

"Fine," I say while looking down at my food. I lift my head and everyone has different reactions. My Mom is smiling. May looks like she is going to jump out of her seat and start dancing. Gerad just has a blank face because he has no idea what the selection is. My Dad just is chuckling and shaking his head. I don't understand why I have to enter. It's not like I'm going to get chosen, but even if I do Princess America won't pick me. I'm just a five that likes to takes photos. I live a simple and pleasant life. After dinner, I ask if I can be excused and put my dishes in the sink. I walk up the stair and start editing the photos I took today. After about an hour I'm taken out of my world when I hear yelling.

"Maxon! Report!" I walk down the stairs to craziness. My sister is sitting upside down on the couch. My Mom and Dad are eating popcorn and Gerad is talking about bugs he found today.

" Ready?" Dad asks. I nod and walk over and sit on the floor. It starts with the normal

" Good evening" King Clarkson talk about the war and taxes and a bunch of other stuff. I just watch Princess America. I've watched her for years. I know that may sound creepy, but she beautiful. She is wearing a red dress that makes her red hair scream even more, but her ice blue eyes cool it down. After a while of King Clarkson talking, Gravil comes out. He walks out from the side and waves to the crowd.

" Good evening, Illea!" He waves as he takes his seat. I look over at May and she looks like she is about faint.

" We have some very exciting news from Princess America" Princess America rises from her seat and walks over to the seat by Gravil.

" Hello, Princess. The media has been buzzing about the news you have been keeping from us," I look over to May and she looks like she is going to scream.

" I do and I have something very exciting to tell everyone. I will be hosting my own selection."

" I told you!" May jumps up from the couch and points her pointer finger at us.

" May singer sit down," Mom says in a tone of voice you don't want to argue with. She sits down right away. During May's outburst, the crowd was going crazy. It took a bit of time to quiet them down. 

"This a wonderful surprise Princess. When are the forms being sent out?"

" Tomorrow Morning."

" Wow, you heard it yourself. Princess America will be hosting her very own selection. Any gentleman from the ages of 17-19's send in a form. Good evening Illea. Long live Illea!" Gravil shouts and the television goes black. May doesn't wait a second to go crazy. She throws the popcorn and squeals.

" Princess America and you would look so cute!" May jumps up and down while clapping like she has won a million dollars.

" May.." Mom starts to say, but my Dad takes Moms hand telling her just let May be.

" Princes America is so pretty. And you're so handsome. You guys are a perfect match"

" That if I get chosen and if she picks me, which I don't think will happen."

" Maxon, I said the same thing about your mother and look where I am today. Women are very surprising" Dad smiles at Mom. Mom is smiling like I've seen you smile before. It's as if they're in their own bubble. Dad pecks Mom's lips, but that bubble does last long.

" You could be a Prince Maxon!" May shrieks.

" May, I think it's time for bed." Dad gets up from my couch while helping Mom up. He grabs Mays hand and walks both Mom and May up the stairs. I look over at Gerad and he fast asleep. I think he fell asleep when Princess America started talking about the selection. He has his hands over his eyes to block light and is snoring up a storm. But May is far from sleep. I can hear talking about Princess America. " Night, Princess," My Dad says and seconds later I hear his door close. I head up the stairs and into my bedroom. I fall asleep that night thinking about selection with a smile on my face. 

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The Photographer (Selection Fanfic) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now