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" We love them," Edward smiles looking at the photos

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" We love them," Edward smiles looking at the photos. " You've truly captured our family," He takes his wife's hand. " Thank you so much," Edward slides over an envelope. "That's the rest of money we owned you. Again, thank you so much. We will cherish these." He stands up and picks up Jenniffer.

" Thank you so much!" Elizabeth yells as they drive away. I walk home thinking about the report. Today is Friday which means the report is on tonight. I've been waiting all week for the report. Once I get home and am welcomed with the smell of my Mom's homemade pizza. May is on the couch "doing" her homework. More like pretending to do her homework.

" How's the homework going?" I ask while taking off my coat and hanging it up.

" Amazing" May starts writing fast, acting like she doing homework. I roll my eyes and go up to my room. I put my camera on my desk, and walk back downstairs. May's homework is on the floor, and she watching TV. I walk over and turn it off.

" WHAT!" She shrieks. I grab her homework and sit next to her couch. To help her with her homework.

" We're doing your homework," I say flipping through the papers and grab a pen.

" We're?" May smiles

" Let me rephrase that. You are, but I will help you" May rolls her eyes. She begins doing her math homework. After about an hour of helping her homework, she finally finishes her homework.

" Was that so hard?" I raise an eyebrow at May

" Yes, it was torture," May says dramatically and turns on the TV.

" Maxon, come here!" Dad yells. I walk to the garage to see Dad got paint everywhere.

" What happened" I try to hold my laughs.

" Gerad got in here and pulled a prank," Dad even starts to laugh. That's when I broke out into laughter. After we finish laughing Dad clean up and he goes and showers after. About an hour later it's dinnertime.

" Dinner!" Mom yells, and everyone rushes to dinner. Because Friday night means the report is on today, but also mean its pizza night in our house. I grab a few pieces and begin eating.

" Maxon Singer, I'm talking to you!" May shouts. I look up and she has her fork in hand ready to throw at me. She glares like a lion about to kill his dinner. 

"Sorry, May. What were you saying?" I ask with a smile

"I asked how was your day?" May rolls her eyes as she takes a big bit out pizza.

"My day was fine. Got gave the photos to the family I took photos a few days." I explain and hand the envelope to my Dad. He frowns almost not wanting to take the money. 

" Thank you, Maxon,"  He pats my shoulder.

" My day was super boring, but that could be a good thing. Because I did do much today," She rants. I swear, when she gets older she is going to make a guy's heart melt with one smile. But he better not even think about hurting our princess and taking the sparkle away from her eyes. He better treat her like a queen. May is my only sister and I'm very protective of her. She has the sweetest heart and no guy is taking an ounce of that sweetness, nor will replace it with sadness or bitterness.

The Photographer (Selection Fanfic) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now