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"The final two will be," the decision America makes my heart stop, and changes my life forever, "Mr.Legar and Mr.Singer," America smiles looking at both of us, "The rest of selected who aren't the final two may stay until I make a decision. As much as I would like to stay here with you. I have to go," She shakes her head, "I have a meeting which I'm already late to," She nods and walks out of the suitor room.

"How did she not pick me,"Griffin shakes his head, "I'm funny. And I'm good looking. She's missing out."

Tyler rolls his eyes, " Missing out?"

"Yes, she's missing out on me," He winks.

Tyler cringes, " She's missing out on an annoying child? Missing out is stretch." Griffin glares. I laugh as I walk out of the suitor room. I begin to walk up to my room when I hear someone call my name. I turn around to see King Clarkson.

I bow, " Your Highness."

"Sir Maxon, I'd like to talk to you in my office," He grunts and walks up the stairs not even waiting for me. As I walk up the stairs behind him my heartbeat quickens. The whole way up to his office my mind is in a frenzy. Wondering what he wants? What he's going to do? Is it something to do with America? Just thinking about him hurting America makes me sick to my stomach. We reach his office, and he dismisses the guard that was outside his office. He walks into his office again, not waiting for me. He walks around his desk taking a seat staring at me while I stand in the door.

"Aren't you going to close the door?" He raises an eyebrow annoyed. I nod lost for words. I close the door, and yet again, not being able to think I just stand there again not knowing what to say or do, "Why don't you have a seat," He waves to a chair in front of his desk. I nod then take a seat, " Do you have any idea why you're here?" He crosses his arms.

" No Sir," I shake my head trying to stay calm on the outside, but in reality on the inside freaking out. Trying to figure what he wants, and why I'm here. And hoping it has nothing to do with him hurting America.

" Well, as you are aware my daughter just picked her final two, and sadly your one of the two," He shakes his head disapprovingly, " At the beginning of the selection I told my daughter to married down to please the country, but I didn't think she'd actually consider marrying a five."

" With all due respect you highness, Sir Aspen is also a five," I say calmly. But on the inside I'm quite hurt,and confused. Does America just want to marry me for my caste? To please the country? Right, away I shake that thought away. If that was the only reason she would have ended the selection a while ago. Instead of trying to build a relationship with me.

"And that's what is even funnier," He smiles, but it's not a joyful smile. It's a smile full of hatred and disgust. How is America so sweet,caring and have a father like King Clarkson. A man who thinks everyone is less than him. Who makes everyone around him suffer. It's a miracle that America didn't end up like him, " She had outstanding suitors at the tip of her fingers. Men who had manners, and class. Men who were two's and three's. Men who came from great wealth, and actually had the brains to run a country."

He hands go into fists trying to contain my anger, " Your Highness if your daughter chooses me. Over time, I believe that I could help your daughter run the country."

" I still can't believe Amberly made me make that law," He rolls his eyes, " My daughter, a queen, who is so emotional, running a country instead of a man running the country. But Sir Maxon I suggest you tread very lightly. Your walking on thin ice. You're dismissed." I moment those words utter out of his mouth I don't even spare him a glance. I walk quickly out of his office, and to my room. I walk to see Jo steaming a suit jacket.

" I'm sorry Maxon. I thought you-" Jo begins.

"It's fine," I wave her off while pacing. Trying to calm me down. Trying to get my mind off the conversation I just had with King Clarkson. Getting my mind off the nasty, and terrible things he said not only about me, but America.

" Maxon, are you okay? You look like you want to punch the wall."

"Huh?" I look at her confused.

"Maxon, your hands are balled up into fists. Which leads me to believe you want to punch something," She shrugs putting the suit jacket back on a hanger.

" I just came from King Clarkson office."

Jo's eyes widen dropping the suit jacket, " W-what."

"I just came from King Clarkson office." I repeat.

" How did that go?" Jo asks, and from what I can tell she is holding back her laughter.

" Went great," I sarcastically say rolling my eyes.

" Well, you didn't hear this from me," She whispers, " But every time I've run into him he's scared the crap out of me. He'll yell at guard or maids for no reason. So, I don't blame you for being a bit shaken up," She picks up the suit jacket then looks at her watch, " I'm late," She throws the suit jacket on the bed.

"For what?"

" I hope your day gets better!" Jo response running out of my room yet doesn't answer my question. I sighed pulling my hands in my pockets walking outside to the balcony to see my greatest horror. America, and Aspen walking side by side. From the looks of it, it seemed like a passionate conversation. That's when all of what King Clarkson said comes back. Does America just want to marry us for our caste to please the country? Is America's and I's relationship real or fake? 

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The Photographer (Selection Fanfic) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now