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Everyone has pretty much finished their dinner, and we slowly begin moving into dancing

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Everyone has pretty much finished their dinner, and we slowly begin moving into dancing. And here I am sitting alone at the suitor table bored out of my mind. Silva told me a few hours ago that my family wasn't able to come due to work. Right when I heard that my mood went from being excited to sad, and angry. I look at the dance floor and see Harper dancing with his little sister. Her feet are on top of his, so she is tall enough to hold his hands. Right across from them are Griffin and his mom dancing. Both with smiles on their faces. That's when the sadness, and anger turns to jealousy. I was so excited to see my family. Finally, be able to catch up with my siblings. To talk to my parents. All I want is to see my family.

" Hey, what's wrong?" I a voice behind me. And that person is none other than America. She walks over and sits down next to me. " You seem...off tonight," America says trying to find the right word.

I shake my head, " Just my family wasn't able to come"

America eyes widen, " Maxon, I'm so sorry," She frowns " If  you don't mind me asking why?"

" My parents had to work. My dad was selling some paintings tonight, and my mom had a big gig somewhere," I shrug. America on the other hand smiles and gets up. Which confuses me " What are you doing?"

" I don't think your family would want you to sit here and pout. So, we're going to make the best of the situation," America crosses her arms.

" We're?" I smile and raise an eyebrow.

" Yes, we're going to make the best of this situation. First, we're going to dance" America takes my hand and pulls me up.

" Okay, okay" I laugh while leading her to the dance floor. I've never had lessons on how to ballroom dance, but I've ballroom danced with May in the living room a few time. Does that count? I sure hope it does. I lead America into a dance and she raises an eyebrow

" You're not bad for someone who's never taken dance lesson I assume,"

" You're correct. I never have, but I've danced with my little sister a few times," I shrug and twirl her. Her red dress fans out. And I dip her.

" You could have fooled me," America smiles brightly. I bring her back to her feet. And settle for a slow dance. " What's it like outside of the palace?" America asks with her head on my shoulder.

" What do you mean?" I ask a little confused.

" I mean  how is your life different from being here?" American questions. 

" Well, my life here and at home is pretty much the opposite. Here I don't have to work, and at home, I take photos for a living So, life outside is way busier" I explain.

" Do you miss taking photos?" She asks. 

I raise an eyebrow " I don't need a job to take photos America. Since being away from home I've been taking tons of photos." I answer, and America smiles brightly. " Why are you smiling?"

The Photographer (Selection Fanfic) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now