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" June!" Harper screams as he's dragged away

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" June!" Harper screams as he's dragged away. I swallow holding back my emotions. Even after everything he still hasn't given up on her. Still fighting for even with all the pain he is going through. Hopelessly trying to get to her.  America rises from her seat the moment they leave and walks down the stage over to the selected.

" Gentlemen, you have the rest of the day off," She explains looking down at the ground. Griffin doesn't even hesitate. He jumps out of his seat and runs inside. Then Tyler, Arron, then Aspen follow. I'm the last one to get up, but I walk over to America and take her hand.

"I just wish I could have done more?" She whispers.

" You did as much as you could," I try to encourage her.

She meets my eyes, " But there is still so much I still have to do for them,"

" Wha-"

" I'll explain later tonight on our date," She kisses my cheek, and walks away. To think I just watched the most horrific thing I'll ever watch, yet here I am smiling because America kissed my cheek.


The rest of the day I stay in my room trying to forget what I saw today. Trying to forget about June's screams when the can came down on her hands. Trying to forgets Harper fighting back after seeing June knocked out. But even hours of trying not to remember the memories still flow through my mind. Currently, I'm sitting outside looking through my camera. Looking at pictures of my family. Trying to get my mind off of today's event. Jo is inside cleaning up my room. Most of the time Jo is pretty talkative, but ever since finding out about June she's either extremely quiet or crying.

" Maxon," I here Jo call.

" Yes?" I turn around to face June.

" Princess America is here," She winks. I roll my eyes trying to fight back a smile but fail the moment I see America.

" And here I thought you forgot about our date," She crosses her arms. Jo grins and quietly closes the door. Leaving myself and America alone.

" Of all the things I do forget you aren't one of them," I take her hand leading her outside, " So, are you okay after everything?" I ask wanting to make sure.

" Well, I'm feeling a bit better after everything I've done," She nods leaning against the railing. I walk over next to her and put my arm behind her back. Making sure she doesn't fall.

" What have you done today?" my heart skips a beat when America lays her head on my shoulder.

" Well, I was with Harper and June a few hours after...," She trails off.

" How?" I met her eyes in shock.

" It wasn't easy, but both June and Harper are in hiding in the deep part of the castle."

" A-are they feeling okay?"

She shrugs, " Harper is acting strong for June. He says he's not in pain, but he clearly is. He's pretty much taking care of June and not himself. June is slowly, but surely healing. I'm having a nurse tomorrow check up on them. After about a week they're going to working in the deep parts of the castle," She explains closing her eyes.

The Photographer (Selection Fanfic) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now