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I hold the open ring box in my hand trying to calm my nerves

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I hold the open ring box in my hand trying to calm my nerves. Today, I'm going to asking Silva if she'll marry me. Many may argue that it's way too early. That it's only been six weeks of dating. Well, screw those people. I'm sick and tired of letting people run my life. For the longest time, I let my dad hold me back from what I loved: making clothes. But I also let what people said about me hold me back from Silva years ago. I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with her. Ready to be finally happy in my life. I close the ring box then put it in my pant pocket. With one final check in the mirror making sure my tie and collar were at par. I grab my top hat, and make my way to Silva's office. After climbing a few flights of stairs I walk down the hallway to her office to see like always, Officer Jones.

I tip my top hat, " She in her office?"

He shakes her head, " She finished her work early today, and made her way to her room," I nod about to walk away when I hear Office Jones call for me. I turn around looking for an answer, " Mr.Who treat Ms.Silva right. Last, the time she was with you she's was the happiest I've ever seen her, yet at the end, I saw her come crying to her office like I've seen a young lady ever has. It was like the greatest thing in her life was ripped away from her. Just take care and respect her." I raise an eyebrow a bit confused and offend, " Mr.Who I don't mean to disrespect you, but I've guarded the outside of Ms.Silva's office for close to ten years. In and the ten years Silva, and I have formed a friendship. I'd hate for this to end with her in tears."

"We're you and Silva ever-" I trail off not wanting to believe myself.

Office Jones shakes his head and removes his left hand from his back to show a gold ring on his ring finger, " Silva and I have never had a romantic relationship, Mr.Who. And I'm very happily married and have been for nine years.

I feel quite embarrassed, "My apologies."

"No need. If I heard someone talk about Abigail I'd think the same way, and get quite upset. Not at her though, but the thought that some loved her other than me. So, no need," He winks.

I stop for a moment, " Wait, Abigail Jones. Why did I never put that together."

He laughs, "Most people don't because we're often not seen together. Abigail works in the kitchen. So, she has a different work schedule than me. Plus, I have more hours as a guard. So, were not seen together around the castle. We also didn't have a wedding. Just signed the papers we needed so we could be called Mr. and Mrs. Jones," As he talks I don't think he realizes as he talks his smile just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Like, his wife is his only source of happiness in life.

" Well, knowing Silva if she says yes will want a big wedding."

"That's a no-brainer, but I have a feeling she'll say yes Mr.Who."

"Why do you say that?" I ask as my heartbeat quickens.

"Well, you didn't hear it from me, but ever since you two got back together she's never stopped smiling. She also talks about you all the time," My heart felt like it stopped when he uttered those words. At times, I questioned whether I'm the best man for Silva. But Office Jones's put all those thoughts to shame.

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