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"Are you nervous?" Jo asks from the closet.

"Not really," I shrugged looking at the opening ring box in my hand. Mr.Who and I went to see Mr.Miller this morning. I told him what I wanted. He, in the end, was able to get me a ring hours before the report today. I ended up deciding on a simpler ring. Knowing that America wouldn't want anything over the top. I opted for a gold band with a diamond, yet had it engraved with the day we first met.

" You know most men are nervous when they get down on one knee," Jo points out walking out of the closet with a black suit in hand.

" But most men don't have there future wife propose to them," I shrug getting up from the bed taking the suit from her. I walk into the bathroom and quickly change. Once I'm changed I walk over in front of the mirror so Jo can do my hair.

" But you're not one bit nervous?" Jo raises an eyebrow putting hair wax in her hands then running it through my hair.

I think for a moment, " Maybe a little, but I'm more excited to see America's reaction."

" Well, I'm happy for you two. And knew right from the beginning of the selection you would win."

" You did?"

"Nope," Jo laughs.

I roll my eyes then remember something I meant to ask Jo days ago, " Jo quick question. So, yesterday you rushed out saying you were late for something. If you don't mind me asking. What were you late for?" I ask regretting it right away.

" Well, you can't tell anyone. But I saw June, and Harper yesterday," Jo whisper. My eyes widen, " Princess America knows how good of friends I am with June, and thought I'd want to see her."

" How are they?" I ask worriedly.

Jo says grabbing a comb, " There healing up, and they're working too."

" But I thought they were supposed to be thrown on the street," I point out.

"Well, they weren't Princess America is allowing them to work. June works in the kitchen late at night. And Harper working on landscaping."

"How is June working with her hands so soon?"

" Well, I know Princess America has been giving them medicine. But other than I don't know. But every time I looked at her hands I want to burst into tears."

" Well, at least they're okay," I respond trying to get her mind off the negative.

She puts the comb down " There still not out of woods, yet Maxon. They don't get let free until Princess America is queen. That could be in years for all we know," Jo says with emotion, " Plus, June isn't even June. She's Martha Riley. And Harper is Jonathan Lass," Jo's hands go into fists trying to contain her emotions.

Not knowing what to do or say. I respond, " You okay?"

" Of course I'm okay," She wipes her tears laughing, " My best friend was canned, and at best I see her once every few months."

The Photographer (Selection Fanfic) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now