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After Mr

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After Mr.Who leaves everyone is silent, till Griffin.

"You're both screwed," Griffin breaks the silence. "You two are so, going to be eliminated. When America yells at you two. Call me. I want to be there" Griffin laughs while juggling.

"Shut it," Adam hisses

"What? You going to come after me now?"Griffin says. Catching the balls he was juggled and chucks them at Adam "Fight me!" Griffin puffs out his chest. Adam just rolls his eyes and sits down. Griffin walks around and finds some things and start juggling.

"Arron started the fight, Griffin. So, go after Arron," Adam reasons.

"Yeah, no" Griffin shakes head "First off, I like living so, I would never fight Arron. And two everyone saw you start the fight, dude"

"Enough!" Tyler yells " We all saw you throw the first punch, Adam. Griffin quiet and just juggle"Griffin just shrugs. We all go back to what we were doing before until the doors are slammed open.

"It's the wicked witch of the west! Griffin juggling balls go flying and he hides behind to piano"Oh, hey America!" Griffin waves. Everyone just stares at him. "What! My sister has made me watch the Wizard of Oz a million times," Griffin justifies.

"Sir Arron and Sir Adam. I was informed that you got into a fight," American asks upset.

"Who told you?"Griffin asks with widening eyes.

"My good friend Mr.Who," America answers Griffin question.

"That traitor! You both are screwed"Griffin laugh, but stops when he see's America glaring and hides behind the piano again.

"Care to tell me why?"America crosses her arms while glaring.

"Round, one fight!"Griffin yells from behind the piano

"Griffin!" America yells. "Arron threw a punch"Adam lied

"Lies!"Griffin shoots up from behind the piano.

"We had a disagreement and Sir Adam began the fight," Arron explains.

"Over a girl," Griffin throws them under the bus.

America raises an eyebrow "If I call your name you will be leaving for good. Sir Adam, Sir Jeff, Sir Edward, Sir Cameron," She calls out a few more names "If your name wasn't called you will be staying,"  American hisses, and leaves. Everyone sits in shock. But Griffin never knows when to keep quiet.

"That had to be the first elimination. And we're safe. I mean I'm here. Princess America would never eliminate me," Griffin grins and pretends to flip some hair

"You never know. Should could walk back in,"Harper whispers

"I will survive!" Griffin sings while walking out of the room.



"What!"June say's annoyingly

"He can't wear a black suit. He always wears black suits,"

The Photographer (Selection Fanfic) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now