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I walk into the dining room a few minutes late because it took Jo forever to pick out a suit, which led me to being late

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I walk into the dining room a few minutes late because it took Jo forever to pick out a suit, which led me to being late. The moment I take a step into the dining room King Clarkson looks up with a raised eyebrow. I hold my head high walking to my seat trying to act confident. When in reality I'm trying so hard not to burst into a million pieces. Taking my seat next to Griffin who doesn't know when just to zip it.

" Why are you late?" He asks cutting his meat.

" Jo took forever to pick my suit," I explain setting my napkin on my lap, " I meant to you ask you this earlier, but why were you talking to Joy today?" I ask in a serious tone.

Griffin eyes widen, " Why do you ask?"

I raise an eyebrow, " Just curious. Do you remember what happened to Harper when he talked to a young lady who wasn't Princess American," I whisper quietly

" Whoever said I was talking to her for romantic reasons," Griffin defends, which takes me by surprise. The whole selection I've only seen one part of Griffin. The Griffin who's always smiling, and joking around.

" Griffin I just don't want you to end up like Harper. Stripped of your caste, and publicly humiliated."

" You don't think I know that," He grits his teeth, " And even if I did like Joy nothing would happen. Joy has made it clear she finds me annoying. When I first started hanging out with her it was out boredom. Then I found it funny, and fun to hang out with her and annoy her. But today Joy made it clear that she didn't want anything to do with me."

I look down at my lap, " Griffin you know it's for the best."

"Still doesn't mean it's not salt in the wound. I thought she was starting to-" He shuts his mouth, and his hands go into fists, " Maxon, I can't talk about this," He shakes his head. I nod understanding. If he were to talk about his feelings he would lose control of himself, and wouldn't be the smartest thing to do in front of King Clarkson.

 A few times during dinner I look over at America, and every time I do she meets my eyes. She smiles, and winks which confuse me. Last, night she was on a date with Aspen, and now she smiling at me. Man is she confusing.

After dinner King Clarkson and Queen Amberly excuse themselves. Right when they leave the rest of the selected quickly making their way to the dining room, but I decided to stay back as does America. Feeling confident I walk over to her.

" You wanna take a walk?" I ask putting my hands in my pockets looking at the ground.

" Of course," She nods.


We walk outside and are slapped in the face with a cold breeze. We remain quiet for a few moments. Not knowing what to say. Stuck in our own thoughts. I can't help but wonder if America is using Aspen and I for our castes? And if she loves me? Is this all a show, or real?

The Photographer (Selection Fanfic) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now