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I open my eyes, but I'm blinded right away by the light coming from windows

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I open my eyes, but I'm blinded right away by the light coming from windows. After my eyes adjust to the light I look over to my right to see America. I wrap my arm around her waist drawing her close. I kiss the top of her head and close my eyes. Trying to fall back asleep, but can't. My mind can't stop running. The Princess of Illea is in my arms and isn't pushing me away. I lay my head back on the pillow looking up at the ceiling.

"You all ready awake?" America chuckles, " Maxon its 7'o clock. Something bothering you?" She turns to face me.

"Nothing," I shake my head.

She yawns, "Well, then sleep. We have another hour," She says and kisses me then lays her head on my chest.

"Yes, Ma'am," I smile slowly falling asleep.


"Princess American," I hear someone knock on the door.

"Who-" I begin.

" Oh gosh," America jumps out of bed, "I forgot about my maids," My eyes widen as she grabs my hand pulling me into her closet.

"So, you're hiding me?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yes?" She says quickly, " It's not that I'm ashamed. I just don't want to make a scene, and my father would be so upset," She panics.

"Where do you want me to hide?" I ask holding her hand.

"Behind my winter dresses?"

"Winter dresses? What's the differenc-"

"I don't have time to explain the difference but hide," She pushes me behind a bunch of dresses, "Thank you. Your the best," She kisses my cheek. She turns off the light and closes the door. I can't help but laugh. I try my best to be quiet, but I never thought that I would be hiding in Princess American's closet. But life likes to throw surprises.

"I'm so sorry about the wait, Jess. I went to bed late last night, and I was so tired," America lies.

" It's very okay Princess," I hear a young lady answer. "What dress would you like to wear today?" Someone opens the closet door and turns on the light.

"Here I'll choose, Jess. Will you go start my bath, please," America asks.

"Of course, Princess."

"Jess, you know you can call me America,"

"Of course, America," Jess corrects herself. I hear the door close.

"It's all clear," I hear America say, and moves some dresses so I can see her, "Again, I'm so sorry. I hate to hide you like this. It's just if my father found out-" I cut her off, but not with words. I grab her arm pulling her towards me, and our lips meet. I caught her by surprise, but within seconds she kisses me back. America runs her hand through my hair.

"Princess America? Have you-"

America pulls away upset, " Almost," She said quickly and kisses me once more than grabs a purple gown. She rushes out of the closet, and closes the door.


"Maxon?" I hear America whisper.

" Yes?" I peak out from America's dress.

"All gone," She smiles.

"Thank goodness," I sigh in relief. American chuckles and rolls her eyes.

"Again, I'm so-"

"America it's fine," I take her hand, "It really it. I understand."

She bits her lip, and her eyes year up, " Thank you," She wraps her arms around my waist.

"You're more than welcome," I kiss her forehead. If felt like we stood there for hours in each other's arms. Enjoying each others company.

"I hate to end this, but if I don't I'm going to be late for work," American sighs and walks over to her desk grabbing a bunch of papers and files, " I'm sorry to run off like this, but I hope this can somewhat repay for me leaving," She grabs me by the collar and kisses me.

"Oh it certainly does," I chuckle.

"You see later," She laughs running out of her room.


"He needs to change it up. He's always wearing a navy suit or a black suit," June argues with a hand on her hip.

"But Princess America likes him in a black or navy suit," Jo fires back.

June rolls his eyes, "But all he wears is navy or black suits. Maybe would like to see him in a different suit. See a change. Maybe, a grey suit."

"Fine," Jo huffs as she does my hair, "So, Maxon where were you this morning? We thought you'd miss breakfast," 

"I was busy," I answer offering no information.

"Mhm," Jo raises an eyebrow while fixing my hair, " Well, I guess it isn't my business. All done. Have a good day, Maxon," She grins walking out.

"Have a good day, Maxon," June nods.

"You too, June," I answer back. June's eyes widen and laugh nervously as she walks into the hallways. I can't help but chuckles as she walks away.


"Thank you," I say to the maid who sets my breakfast in front of me. After getting ready I headed down to the dining to the room just in time for breakfast. The tables are set up so we can sit by family instead of like normal

"Morning," My dad whispers.

"Morning. Sleep well?" He asks buttering his toast.

"Vey well. Better than I've slept in awhile," I grin thinking back to last night when America was in my arm, "You?"

"I slept fine," He nods. I'm about to ask him a question, but I'm cut off when the dining room doors swing open.

"Good morning!" Silva cheers, "I hope everyone is having a good morning."

"I was until you got here," I hear someone whisper. I glance over to see Harper grinning.

"Harper Jackson, what happened to being nice?" His little sister scolds him and punches his arm. I shake my hand.

"Today, is sadly everyone's families last day, but you have the until lunch to spend time with your families. Have a good day," She smiles and walks away. As she walks away Mr.Who follows her. I raise an eyebrow.

"Want to take a walk?" May asks.

"You want too?" I glance over at dad and he nods his head, " So, let's talk a walk."

 Looking back I didn't realize that during that walk I would find out a secret that I should have realize awhile ago.

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