XX Part II

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"A Prince Elect should have a sense of humor," He says boldly

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"A Prince Elect should have a sense of humor," He says boldly. " To show he's easy going. He can relate to his people," He explains. In all honesty I kinda see his point. By showing you have a sense of humor it gives a  sense of realness as the Prince Elect, yet at the time people can see that as your not serious about anything. Or think you can't handle being the Prince Elect.

Gravil nods," Well, it looks like we're out of time. I hope you an amazing rest of your night. Long live Illea!" He smiles bright looking into the camera. Once we're told were not live anymore everyone begins to walk to the exit. Ready to call it night. I'm about to walk throw the exit, but I hear someone call my name.

" Maxon!" I turn around and see America walking over to me," I was wondering if you wanted to go for a walk in the gardens tonight? I have all my work done. So, I have free time on my hands," She smiles. I stand there second in shock. Out of the people should could have asked to take a walk with, she picked me?

" I-I'd l-l-love too," I stutter like the fool that I am. America chuckles, and takes my hand taking the lead. She leads us to the garden and over to "our" bench. Once we sit down I realize something. America doesn't let go of my hand, which causes my heart to beat even faster, "So, what you said on the report-" I begin, but get cut off. 

" I know it seemed kinda rehearsed," She sighs," But I mean every word. As queen, I want to help everyone. And the first thing I'm going to do is get rid of the castes," She says quiets. I grin and squeeze her hand.

" I agree. I think they should be taken down," I nod.

" You agree?" She says in shock.

" Of course I do. Why should someone's value be based on a number? I've felt this way for a long time. Being a five life can get hard. Not just financially, but as a five you're looked down at. As the lower class. As less than everyone. When in reality we're all just human. And deserve to be equal," I explain my thoughts without even thinks. Over the last few weeks, I've become very close to America to the point where I can share my thoughts even if she may disagree. I know she won't judge me. Nor judge me based on my caste.

She smiles, " That's just what I needed to hear, Maxon. Because a Prince Elect and a Queen have to agree on basic principals. Its important to me that I and the Prince Elect will be able to take down the caste's,"

" Well, I'd be right by your side and help you," I say without thinking. America looks over at me, and I realize she's tearing up. I'm about to apologize right away, but she does something that I thought would never happen. She kisses him. She grabs my suit jacket and pulling me forward to meet her lips. Her lips taste sweet. But me being the idiot I am. I don't kiss her back. I'm in shock and just sit there doing nothing. I mean can you blame me?! I've never kissed a girl. And I didn't think my first kiss was going to be with a Princess. America pulls back and her eyes widen.

" I'm so so-" She begins, but I cut her off.

" I should be sorry. I-t-ti's j-just," I stutter. Can you blame for stuttering? I just had my first kiss with a Princess! I take a deep breath to regain my senses, " I've never kissed anyone before, and I know that may be lame, but it's just I've always been so busy. And I've never taken a girl out on a dat-" I begin to rant, but I'm cut off when American puts her fingertips on my temple," What are you doing?"

" Erasing that from your memory. We can do better," She blushes. Even after I just screw up she still wants to kiss me again. I lean in so our noses touch. Were so close I can her eyes glowing with joy. I lean in and our lips met. Let me just say our second kiss was a whole lot better. First, off I didn't just sit in shock. Not knowing what to do. I actually kissed her back and smiled during the kiss.

America pulls back, " See. I knew we could do better,"

That night I went to bed with the biggest smile. Not only did I have my first kiss tonight, but I kissed Princess American. I girl I never thought I would meet. Let alone kiss. Maybe I do have a chance for a future with America.


"Thank you," I say to Jo as she sets my breakfast in front of me. She nods and set others suitors breakfast in front of them. I lover over to at America and her busy with work. She doesn't even spare anyone a glance during breakfast. But I think back to our kiss, and I can't help but smile. Ever since we kiss I haven't been able to wipe a smile off my face. After breakfast, I head upstairs to my room. As I'm about to open my door I hear the feminine voice call my name. I know right it away it's America. I look over and see America running up the stairs.

" I have an hour of free time, till my next meeting. I was wondering if you wanted to go take a walk in the garden," America ask holding her work files to her side.

"Of course," I bow, and hold out my arm for her to take. We walk down the stairs, and into the garden. But while walking to the garden we run into Griffin.

"If it isn't Romeo and Juliet. The start cross loves," Griffin grins.

"Hello to you too, Griffin," America laughs rolling her eyes. Like, last night I lead us over to our bench.

"So, how is your day panning out?"I asked holding her hand.

"Busy," She grins, " But it's a lot better now,"

" How's it been busy?" I say calmly, but on the inside, my nerves are going to crazy.

"Well, my Dad's been throwing even more work my way. With means even more meetings, " She sighs and lays her head against my shoulder. She sighs and closes her eyes.

"Well, why don't you ask him to ease up on the work," I suggest.

"You're funny," She laughs, "I could never do that?"

"And why is that?" I kiss the top of her.

"My dad wouldn't be too happy. If wants to give me tons of work he can. He thinks as a Princess it's my job. Plus, it's getting me ready to be a queen. I just wish life could slow down for once. So, can take a breath, and enjoy life. That's one of the reason's I wish I wasn't a Princess. So, I could breathe. Get away from my father's wrath. But then at the same time I wouldn't want to because I do love my job and Mother," She shares her heart, and listen with full attention, " I could never leave my mother. She is the person that gets me through everything," She wraps her arms around my arm. Maybe I was listening, but I wasn't listening hard enough. There was on detail a glance over that I shouldn't have because looking back if I didn't glance at it. I would have been able to save her from her father sooner.

Author's Note: 

Hope you enjoyed! Hint for the next chapter: *points at Silva and Mr.Who* 

Plus, the new side book first chapter will be coming out in an hour or so! 

Update next Friday! <3  

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