Chapter 2

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We finally reached Wendy's place which is where we would be living for a while. Her family was out at the moment going fishing and having some family bonding time. I got out of the car and took in the beautiful sight. Memories kept flooding back to me as if a flashback from a movie of when I was five. I had a feeling as if a part of me never left this place after ten years.

I start to unload the car while my parents got settled inside. There was so much stuff and I had to do it all on my own; my parents told me that we would be staying for at least a month if not longer. I didn't mind, I was in no hurry to leave. Once I finished unloading the car, I checked my phone to see that it is 3:48 p.m. My phone's battery was now at 38% because I had been listening to so much Fall Out Boy and One Republic.

I plopped onto the couch and played on my phone some more. I accidentally left my charger in the car but I was too lazy at the moment to get up and go get it. "Y/N, you've been on your phone all day. Why not you go outside and look around, meet some new people." my father tells me. I sigh, I did as I was told and went on a walk. To be honest, it's hard for me to meet new people. I'm a nervous train wreck when it comes to that.

I walk through the forest trying to get myself lost in the beautiful sight. I love the outdoors and the trees. I started climbing some while listening to Demons by Imagine Dragons. The song made me remember about the strange dream I had in the car. Who was that triangular figure? Why did it want my hand? This is not the first time I ask myself about these visions. I tried to tell my parents about these symbols when I was younger; they just told me I have a big imagination.

I have been walking for what seems like ten minutes. I check my phone and it's now 7 o'clock. Okay, maybe it wasn't just a couple minutes. More like a couple of hours. I then looked at my surroundings; which way did I come from? Everything looks the same in every direction. Well, I got lost, just like I wanted to. The sky was now dark and stars were starting to show. I have got to get home.

I try to call my mom, she didn't answer. Then I try to call Wendy, right when she answered my phone died. This is literally just my day. No more light for me to see, no way of knowing which way is back to the cabin, no food, and no music! I'm just a big pile of bad luck. This is technically my dad's fault though since he told me to go outside. He should know me better that I would get myself lost in the forest.

I start walking hoping that something will jog my memory and remind me which way to go. It starts getting darker and I start to feel a strong, cold breeze. I then stop, I feel the sudden urge as if someone is watching me. I look around, nothing. I start to walk faster and then I start to feel it again. I'm now running as fast as I can until I trip over a stupid branch. Sounds about right for my luck. I look down at my left leg which is bleeding and my ankle is twisted.

I screamed out in pain; I never try to show a weak side but this was the worst pain I felt. "Help! Please, I'm hurt and I need help! Someone? Anyone?!" I screamed. It's no use, I'm in the middle of a forest at night. Who would be out here this late at night? Right when I think about it, as if on cue, I hear footsteps. That's when I saw him...

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