Chapter 12

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Two nights in a row with no nightmares nor dreams; could this get any better?! Of course I feel a little guilty but boy does it feel good to be free again! Wendy already left to go 'work' at the Mystery Shack and I don't have to come in till 3:30 so I got some time to chill out. How exactly should I spend this time? I could go into town, go to the pool, the arcade, lasted tag, or Greasy's Diner. Maybe I could go into the woods..

I know I probably shouldn't trust myself to go back into the woods all alone since last time I nearly broke my leg but the woods is my happy place! This time, I at least have my phone charged 100%. I'll just go for a couple hours, explore, maybe find some of the mysterious creatures the twins find, and get back to the Mystery Shack before 3:30. Piece of cake.

Everyone in the house seems busy today so I won't bother them; I'll leave a note saying where I've gone and that I have my phone on me. Once I finish that, I leave the cabin to explore. Adventure is out there!

*Le Time Skip to 2 Hours Later*

"...Gonna love myself, no, I don't need anybody else
I love me
Can't help myself, no, I don't need anybody else
Anytime that I like
I love me!

Ah, la la la, la la la la la...
Anytime that I like
I love me!"

I finish singing out loud in the woods, originally sung by Hailee Steinfeld. In my opinion, I believe that she sung it better than whatever I just did. I do love to sing though, usually not in front of people but I will occasionally. I especially love singing this song because all I need is myself, nobody else.

I keep walking through the woods; a stream is up ahead and I decide that it would be a nice spot to take a break. I sit down and look up to see pine trees and the sun's rays trying go go through them. I start to hum Love Myself as I drift off into sleep...Then I hear someone screaming. Great, not as long of a break as I hoped it would be but oh well.

"Help! Can anyone hear me or am I just a dead man?!" a male screams.

I run towards where the sound is coming from and I find myself at a bush. I look behind the bush to see a small man with a brown bushy beard wearing a tall, red, pointy hat being attacked by what appears to be a bald eagle. It was a gnome. I kick the bird off of the gnome and the bird glares at me; maybe that wasn't the best thing to do. I quickly decide to pick up the small gnome without thinking and just start running.

Narrator's POV

You run as fast as you could while holding the gnome. You jumped over logs and tree roots that were sticking out of the ground. You saw the bird flying above you and decided to stop. With the gnome wrapped in your left arm, you used your right arm to throw rocks at the bird. You were able to hit it and it came falling down a couple feet away from you. Dead.

You place the gnome down and start panting. The gnome takes off his hat and says, "Why thank you, young lady, for saving my life!" His face was all scratched up and dripping blood. "Oh my goodness! Your face; here, let me help you." You look around but can't find anything so you decide to rip a piece of your shirt to create a type of cloth. You start rubbing his face while he gives you a giant grin. "My name's Jeff; what's yours, Princess?"

"I-I'm Y/n...a-and you're a gnome?!"

"I do believe that's what I am, yes."

"Wh-How?! Better question, why were you just attacked by a bald eagle?" You ask confused.

"Oh, that was just a little mishap with 'whose food was whose' type of thing. I guess she doesn't like to share." Jeff says but sounds as if this was a common thing. After you finish cleaning his face, he just stares into your bright, (e/c) eyes. He was fascinated, amazed. 'Boy, is this pretty gal beautiful and I thought Mabel was pretty! This girl, she's something else. For now, I see her as a princess but will soon see her as a Queen.' Jeff thought to himself.

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