Chapter 34

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Narrator's POV

Y/n opened her eyes to a white void with nothing else in it. 'A dream?' she thought, 'But, why?' She continued to walk around, trying to figure out what was suppose to be happening. She didn't see anything and she was terrified. 'What if this is a nightmare? What if I'm about to meet my killer? Where's Bill?!'

There was a bright, golden flash as you shield your eyes from the light. Once the light disappears, in place is a golden triangle with a bowtie, top hat, and small black arms and legs. "You called?" the triangle asked in a demonic voice.


"Hey Star! Oh, sorry, you're probably not use to seeing me like this. Let me change."

Bill snapped his fingers and changed into his human form, yellow leather jacket, white tee, and jeans. You couldn't help but think he was hot. This could be fake though, this could be the demon disguised as Bill like before in your nightmare. How could you know if this was really him? How could you know that you weren't just about to die?

Except, this was Bill. He needed to make sure he came back soon before he lost anymore of his sanity. He needed to keep his feelings true to you. He loved you and he wanted to make sure that it didn't change. You were his and he was yours. He wasn't prepared to change that.

He stepped closer to his Star which only resulted in her taking a further step back. He cocked his head, "What's wrong?"

"Who are you?"

"What are you talking about? It's me, Bill Cipher!"

You weren't convinced, "P-Prove it." You wanted to believe it was him, were cautious.

Bill was confused about why you were questioning him until he remembered that in your nightmare, he appeared and tried to kill you. No wonder why she couldn't believe him, she thought he was a fake. He was the real deal, though, and he was going to prove it to you. "If you wish for me to prove it to you, then so be it. Anything to get my little Star to trust me."

Question was, how was he suppose to prove it?

"I...well I...umm..." Bill was at a lost for words but he couldn't stutter, that might make Y/n believe that he was a fraud. "Earlier today, I told you to get the vial for me. You were scared, scared you were going to fail, not be able to find it, and be the reason I died. My beautiful Star, that could never happen; you're too clever and I knew you would find it. Problem was, Ford found you both.

"I made a deal with Sixer, I would get the vial if I stayed away from you. That was the hardest deal I made; I knew the only way to keep you safe was for me to have the vial but to stay away from you...I couldn't do it. That's why I'm here now." Bill took another step forward as Y/n did the same as before and took another step back, still not convinced. Bill needed to find a way to make you believe him, to trust him.

"I was able to get my powers back, I'm at my full strength again! ...but truthfully, once I did get them back I pushed you away so I could focus on taking over once again. It was the feeling of being powerful, it was such a good feeling and I wanted it back. I was craving for it." Bill looked at the ground and clenched his fists, "I wanted to see people begging to live. I wanted to see people coward from me. I wanted to be in charge again and rule everything while my friends got to live and leave the Nightmare Realm...I couldn't though," he looked back up at you as you realized that he was crying, "I couldn't because of you. You are the only thing that's keeping me from going insane once again. You are the only thing that matters most to me!"

Bill reaches his hand up and places it inside his leather coat on the left side, relieved to still be able to feel the beating of his heart.

"Star, my precious, beautiful Star, I'm so sorry that I almost chose power over you. You have no idea how guilty I felt once I realized what I was thinking. Before I got my powers back, I was afraid that I was going to lose all the emotions I gained towards you. I totally had let it all slip away the moment I felt my powers coming back. My heart, it beats for you and to no other being. I love you...I hope you can forgive me."

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