Chapter 3

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That's when I saw him: an old man with glasses wearing a beige trench coat and a red turtle neck sweater. He saw me and had a horrified look on his face; "Goodness sake child, what happened to you?"

"I was running away from something and I had tripped over a giant branch. Can you help me?"

"I can, but I would have to take you back to my home."

"No, I want you to take me back to my parents."

"I'm sorry, but it's already so late. First thing tomorrow I promise to bring you back home but for now you will have to sleep the night at my place. What is your name?"

"Y/n, Y/n L/n."

"Well Y/n, it's nice to meet you. My name is Stanford but you may call me Ford. Here, let me pick you up; my home isn't too far from here."

Ford picks me up and I notice his fingers. There are six fingers. The visions. The wheel. The hand.
"Y-Your hand..." I said with my voice shaky. He looks at his hands that was wrapped around me so he could carry me and said, "Oh, yes. I'm sorry if I frighten you with them-"
"No, not at all. It's just, I feel like I've seen them before." I say, cutting him off. The wind blew hard and it made my (h/c) hair cover my whole face. Man, I hate the wind; it tortures me every day by making my hair a mess.

Ford said his home wasn't that far yet I feel like he's been carrying me for an hour. An hour in complete silence. Maybe it hasn't been an hour; I did think that 3 hours was just ten minutes. I decide to start a conversation so I can forget about the pain in my left leg. "So, where exactly do you live?"

"I live at a tourist attraction my brother created called the Mystery Shack. Everything in it is just a hoax though for I've seen the real creatures. Have you heard about it?"

I nodded, "Yes, actually. My cousin works there and when I say 'work' I mean she gets paid to read magazines at the front counter."

"I see, you're cousin is Wendy. Well, I have to say, you're certainly tough like her."

How does he think I'm tough after showing my weak side to him? I literally acted like a terrified child. Before I can think more of the topic, we reach his home.

The sign read "Mystery Hack" with a missing S in front of the H. Oh goodness, this is where my cousin works? Ford's right, it does look like a joke and I haven't seen the attractions yet. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to trust this guy to help me. He carries me up the steps onto his porch and opens the door. I have a bad feeling about all this.

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